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  1. Thanks, Hotel! Rotation isn't working at all through RCS. They activate just fine for translation, but only the reaction wheels are responding to QEWSAD keys. I tried swapping to the Vernor engines with the same results, except now the ones positioned for forward movement are activating with the throttle, despite it being disabled. I did notice that the pitch/roll/yaw toggles are cycling between on and off several times a second.
  2. I've built a fairly large rocket, something akin to Starship at 187 tonnes. I put 8 clusters of RCS blocks on it, each comprised of 6 3-way blocks for a total of 48 RCS blocks. I can translate, but I can't rotate with them. They are on for all DOF, so I'm baffled. Is there a maximum number that the game can manage?
  3. I installed the mod via CurseForge and replaced the firespitter.dll but still am not seeing any change other than seeing "Patches applied to 49 mods" during startup What else can I try?
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