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  1. Am aware, that is in the Known issues list. Will probably be fixed using MapDecals in the next update.
  2. Yeah. For stock, a decal is used only for removing Parallax scatters around the center. For JNSQ, I actually had to do some flattening.
  3. JNSQ Kerbin. It is now positioned and aligned properly, but there are floating roads, trees and antennae. JNSQ KSC's default runway also has some nasty inclination, leading to new structures not aligning properly with it. Finally, the grass colors are terribly off and the pier is submerged in the ground... Sigh. I've been working with JNSQ all this time because I already have it conveniently installed. Looks like it is time to try and make it work in KSRSS instead. Should I use Reborn or the legacy version?
  4. Well... I guess I'm getting somewhere.
  5. Thank you! It looks like this only moves the default KSC though, not my custom group. Or am I getting something wrong?
  6. I doubt that is doable without making the user manipulate some files, but I'll try making that outline nonetheless. To think about it, there is nothing about mapdecals that should be requiring constant computational power. Sure, that is in the todo list as well. Hoping that once I figure the proper way to align the KSC with one homeswitch, it won't take too long with all the others. Currently starting the university, so I'm a bit short on free time. Sorry if this all is taking a bit too long.
  7. There are no tree statics in the KK packs that I'm using. However, I can replace one big MapDecal that sterilizes the entire peninsula with a lot of small ones that will only be clearing zones with buildings in them. A bit worried about the potential performance issues on low-end PCs, but that will surely look significantly better.
  8. Hey there. Firstly, press the KK toolbar button (1) and find the launchsite you're interested in in the selector (2). My sites are located at the bottom under airfields added by KerbinSide. Then click on that launchsite. Now you need to open it (3) in the Base Manager window. After doing so, click "Set as Launchsite" back in the selector (4). After this you will be able to set this launchsite as default. Alternatively, it will appear in the stock selector under the button you launch your crafts with.
  9. Yup, nothing we can do but wait for now. Check the SpaceDock page, by the way: just uploaded a version with a mapdecal that removes large Parallax scatters. Also recolored the landing pads' grass to a darker shade of green - the colors still don't match perfectly, but it is better than it was.
  10. @SheepDog2142@Captain Mathus Situation update: I asked Linx about automatically applying Parallax' PBR to KK statics' grass. It looks like this is not a thing so far, but he did tell me that some people have already requested this so it will be given a higher priority. The best I can do for now, I'm afraid, is picking a color that'd just blend in as much as possible. I'll see what I can do.
  11. Just realized what the problem with that is. KerbinSide's and OSSNTR's default concrete colors are quite different, and since it isn't a preset, there is no way to tweak those colors in-game. Guess I have some figuring out to do. As for the Parallax fix, I'm finishing downloading it right now. Gonna upload 0.21 to Spacedock in a bit; may even throw Navutilities runway support in while I'm at it.
  12. I could just switch all grass segments to be concrete... Wonder if that'll look better.
  13. Whoops. Let me see what I can do about the scatters. Pretty sure a MapDecal will work regardless of Parallax version installed. I'm less certain about grass colors, though. Not sure it is possible to apply Parallax texturing to KK statics at all, so just matching grass color as accurately as possible might be the only way.
  14. Haven't tested it with Parallax, actually. Let me know how it goes, perhaps there will be a mapdecal needed.
  15. =Van's KSC= Ever felt like the default KSC runway is way too short or narrow? Worry no more. Description This is a Kerbal Konstructs config aimed at expanding the stock KSC and making it way more spaceplane friendly. Whether you're struggling with taking off or landing, new launch sites added by this config aim to help you in your aeronautic endeavours. No more wingstrikes or runway overruns... hopefully. New launch sites A 5000 meter long, 145 meter wide runway. Heading: 90 degrees. A 4800 meter long, 70 meter wide runway. Heading: 90 degrees. Two 3250 meter long and 90 meter wide intersecting runways. 90 and 150 degrees headings. Two large helipads near the 5km runway. Each is approximately 110 meters in diameter. A small group of helipads in the middle of the space center. Two water spawn points located near a large pier north of the main center. 0 and 90 degrees headings. New statics A group of large dish arrays west of the KSC. Those look especially great during sunsets. A network of roads connecting all launch sites. Some roads might be a bit bumpy. Six landing pads for reusable rockets. A lot of buildings that, hopefully, will help to make the scenery a bit more lively. Which side are you on? Screenshots =Imgur= Download =SpaceDock= Installation Make sure to properly install all dependencies listed below. Drop the VansKSC folder into your GameData. Upon entering SPH, make sure to open and enable the launchsites you need in the KK launchsite selector. Dependencies Kerbal Konstructs Omega's Stockalike Structures: NTR KerbinSide Remastered ModuleManager Known issues As smooth as it all looks from above, some roads, crawlerways and grid blocks might be bumpy. Be careful and don't overspeed. Some roads are also prone to levitation. I'm working on it. Support Stock Kerbin. Sadly, that's it for now, although JNSQ support is expected to appear soon-ish. I'm also hoping to add support for other planet packs Conflicts Any homeswitch planet packs and/or ones that scale the home planet up. Other custom KSC configs. Special thanks Thanks to @JadeOfMaar for helping out with figuring the config syntax and providing an example of homeswitch compatibility configs! Changelog
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