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  1. so basically all you need is someone that can mod this ?
  2. * when the craft is in very low orbit the auto-cam bug and cant choose between orbital or ground cam so there is infinite notification until u choose another cam by yourself second, there is a bug with the fairing in the VAB the video show it well https://youtu.be/WpdZ77eYC2w
  3. T-400 truss Connection mechanism (integrated type A) https://imgur.com/gallery/oodE0pN
  4. hum hi me again, i have a prob with the T-400 docking port. i just cant dock 2 part with it, like it worked for the 3 first part i had to dock but then i cant now and i don't know why
  5. Thank you for this mod, unfortunately my game always crash after i load the iSS 2023 and crash few sec after when i load ISS 2011. PS: i think i broke a record with ur mods my 2060 super was at 100% for 2h x). PS: i think i just killed my GPU with ur mod 6h building the iss and then black screen because the GPU overheated Xd
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