Hi fellow Kerbanauts, Hugely enjoying the game so far. Orbiting is now a breeze (I can routinely get 90x120 parking orbits), and I have succeeded in landing on the Mun twice but no luck yet in getting home. I have the fuel but not the know how. Both times I just got into eccentric Earth orbits and ran out of fuel. So how do I get home from the Mun? Is there a general guide to follow? I have some other questions that would greatly improve my space program GRAVITATIONAL SLINGSHOTS? One time when I failed to get back to Earth from the Mun, I accidentally inserted myself into a high Kerbin orbit that was only a million miles beyond the Mun (see pic). So I just hit timewarp and waited for the Mun to catch up to me and slingshot me out of orbit. Only it didn\'t happen. Every time the Mun passed below Jeb just waved at it and totally ignored its gravity. Is this a bug or am I an astrophysics noob or what? LIFTOFF I have the throttle at max pretty much throughout the ascent. Is this efficient or is a lower throttle actually better? Is there a way to calculate the ideal? ORBITAL INSERTION As I leave the atmosphere and start turning, is it more efficient to aim at the horizon or the prograde marker? Is it more efficient to burn nonstop into orbit, or to burn to establish an apogee above the atmosphere, cut engines and then burn at apogee? If the latter, how high of an apogee do you aim for? ORBITING I know that pointing at 90 (due east) and 270 (due west) gets me into two different equatorial orbits. Is one preferable? Is it true that 90 uses less fuel due to Kerbin\'s rotation or does the game not model this? HOHMANN TRANS MUNAR INJECTION I read a tip somewhere that in the 270 configuration you do your TMI burn at Munset over Kerbin, and in the 90 configuration you burn at Munrise. I\'ve tried both versions and it works, the apogee lines up right with where the Mun will be. Why does this work? Why do we need Mun to be at the horizon? The 270 orbit is 'pro-Mun' (CCW viewed from north, same direction as the Mun\'s revolution around Kerbin) and the 90 orbit is 'retro-Mun.' Do you experienced Kerbanauts have a preference for proMun or retroMun pre-TMI parking orbit? MUNAR LANDING You guys make sure your nav ball is on SURFACE mode, right? That was a big breakthrough for me. Before I was coming down in ORBIT mode and getting a totally wrong reading of my lateral motion relative to the Munar surface. Now I can kill that motion at around 100km with a sideways burn and do a direct vertical descent. During this burn I generally do not aim at the retrograde marker but 'beyond' it with the aim of 'scooting' the marker into the center. Any other tips for this phase? LEAVING THE MUN This is where I\'m currently stuck ATMOSPHERIC RE ENTRY Your capsule can\'t burn up in the atmosphere so you aren\'t punished for having terrible re-entry angles and speeds. Do you try to get a realistic re-entry trajectory anyway? Any tips on how to do this? Or do people just generally come down on any old trajectory?