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Everything posted by Erkki

  1. Okay, may as well drop the FAR lol. I dont know if its the space in the device name or something, but I mapped my CH joystick and pedals for smoother control and the game now ignores the settings.cfg file and recreates a new one with default settings each session. Troubleshooted all afternoon only to find out that several people at reddit had exactly the same issue down to similar-ish hardware - and CH controllers! ...or then I just need to learn to build really stable spaceplanes.
  2. Apparently FAR doesnt work in 64 bit mode. I managed to make everything load by forcing OpenGL mode on, and to boot, besides VAB the game runs smoother! Despite the visual mods too, I was able to raise graphs settings to the max so thank you for the tip! FAR seems interesting. Especially supersonic flight and how area rule is taken into account. Took me about 2 hours to build a 2 man spaceplane that can reach orbit with tiny cargo and reserve dV of about 100 m/s. At least it can abort and brake/land at any time and flies fairly well, compared to my previous attempts... Needs more testing and tweaking still.
  3. Thank you for all the replies! On Construction Time and Life Support: I dont play the career mode... Life Support I guess could be something to try out. I'll have to check that one out, thanks! On visuals: I really like those clouds. I need to find a new mod to replace the current one, though. On FAR: yeah I've recently built some SSTOs/shuttles and I think those would be more fun to build and fly with it. I'll have to add it to my mods list. cantab, I need to try out the New Horizons mod as well, thanks! I dont think dV = difficulty either, but I'd like to see somewhat higher speeds, planet sizes and inclined orbits for immersion reasons alone. I think I'll try these mods first: KIS KAS DistantObject FAR jonathantm's compilation of graphics mods stockalike parts pack Copernicus + New Horizons
  4. Hello, I'm currently running Windows 7 64 bit AMD Phenom II 1055T Palit nVidia GTX 460 Sonic 2 (more vram than I've ever needed) 4gb system RAM (the bottleneck: not enough for some KSP mods) I've played KSP every now and then for years and mods wise my game is a mess right now. Currently, I only have a very light shuttle mod of some kind, clouds for planets(some old mod that seems to still work somehow), KIS, KAS, distant object drawer and remotetech. And Mechjeb for all command parts of course(I like it for the dV and orbital info as well as the maneuver planner). The game as it is has gotten a bit... Easy to me. But I dont want to move to the Real Solar System. Not yet. I prefer keeping to the Kerbol system. And I'd like to keep the stock parts more or less viable. Are there any mods that scale up the solar system by say a factor of 2 or 3 only? I'd like to fly to the Mün and nearby planets without those missions being too easy to build craft for and to fly. I think I want to at least these from now on -KIS -KAS -Some clouds + city lights mod -distant object drawer -Some solar system mod -Part mods that use stock textures or small custom textures -Possibly FAR? Do you have any recommendations? Especially when it comes to parts and tweaking the solar system itself. Remember that for now the amount of RAM limits me. For example I couldnt use one of the shuttle mods because I ran out of RAM when the loading bar hit about 80%...
  5. I have a couple of issues with this mod. I'm running: Windows 7 64bit 4 gb ram + 4 gb video ram latest KSP with 3 mods: MechJeb(works), Enhanced Visuals thing(city lights on Kerbin and clouds on some planets) + this Shuttle mod(full pack) ----------------------------------- Standard KSP does not make it through the load so I have to manually start the 64bit one. I'm left with only 700 mb of free RAM which I suppose is entirely my fault and I should go delete at least some of the mod parts. Anyway, the parts and shuttles seem to work perfectly and are VERY nice! Love those interiors and how I can fly a mission without leaving the cockpit(even if the digital artifical horizon's flight path marker is bugged, the other one works like a charm as does the orbit info screen). But here is the problem: when launching a craft I have all the vessels from VAB and SPH showing up and all the ones included in this mod seem to load. But in VAB and SPH themselves, I cant load any vessels. I can build and save them, but clicking on the load button does nothing. KSP does register the click, or at least the button is animated when clicked. The only way to load a craft seems to be launching one and then reverting the flight. I guess this COULD be because the one or more craft files included have part(s) that I dont have but since I downloaded the full pack and no one else seems to have had this problem, I'm not so sure. I also tried to create a new sandbox career and start from scratch but nope. I also started a new one with no craft files at all(manually deleted them from the save folders) to no avail. I suppose this issue has a simple solution, but I failed to find help on these forums.
  6. Hello, I have an interplanetary 5-kerbal 2-part vehicle with separate command and lander sections capable of reaching, landing and returning from every planet and moon without an atmosphere(except, quite possibly, Tylo). However, my guys are in need of a rover to drive, and I have failed to incorporate one into the existing vessel without making it a mess to fly and hurting its capabilities... So, I've attempted to build an unmanned vessel for a one-way mission to deliver the rover to whichever place the main ship is going... But the task is really tedious and frustrating. Just making the rover symmetric without using a week to build it seems almost impossible... I guess there are mods that could help with this? Thus, I am asking you to help me build a rover that can carry 1 or 2 kerbalnauts and that can with its delivery vehicle reach and land any of those Kerbol system bodies that have no atmosphere. I've decided to test the whole 3-ship system first with a mission to Dres. Bonus points if its easy enough to control/has enough margin of error to land in one piece and within walking distance, 0-2 km, of the lander. Thank you in advance! TL;DR: I'd love to have an unmanned, preferably stock, kerbalnaut-carrying, rover and its delivery vehicle that can preferably reach Jool. I already have the means to get 2 guys there and back home.
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