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Posts posted by awsumguy76801

  1. On 8/28/2022 at 10:48 PM, Bej Kerman said:

    KSP is an education tool first and foremost and it'd leave a very sour taste if the game touted a universe where 9 out of 10 planets have a station around them inhabited by aliens. It's not KSP. The most KSP should do is bacteria research and it should end there as that's as far as modern science can see in regards to aliens. If you really want it, build it yourself; "it can be whatever you want it to be using your imagination", but don't have stations already there waiting for you. It kills the spirit of the game.

    That is not a niche for KSP to fill unless you want to populate the systems yourself.

    yes what you are saying no intelligent aliens like it should be a realistic take on aliens most of them in the game would just be bacteria and small multicellular things

  2. for any of u that are wondering my idea is that the robotic kerbals will need to recharge and have batteries and stuff they could be deployed by kerbals like the breaking ground experiments are and once they are switched on they function like super buffed engineers that can carry super heavy objects and manipulate larger parts and they have more eva fuel so they can fly around for longer and if there is any life support in ksp 2 obviously wouldnt need any they would be very helpful for building bases but they would have limitations like not being to go in liquids and cant be controlled if theyre not in communication range

  3. On 8/14/2022 at 10:04 PM, BowlerHatGuy2 said:

    I don’t know man. Cool for a mod but would make kerbals obsolete.

    how would it make kerbals obsolete, you can make rovers in the game that can basically do everything a kerbal can kerbals are special because they carry risk with them and u usually want to get them home the robotic kerbals are just tools to be used and arent important theyre just another space probe

  4. So instead of actual living kerbals it would be cool if there were robotic ones like NASAs robonaut that could do everything kerbals could do but of course they would need to have electrical charge and have a connection to kerbin. because they are not alive they could be stored outside a space capsule and could survive stuff that kerbals normally couldnt like high speed impacts or lava etc. 


    R2 with proposed terrestrial legs


    just imagine these things but with a more kerbal like form

  5. 3 hours ago, Laxez said:

    Fun fact, while reading this post I asked myself "does Laythe have icy poles like Kerbin?" so i went to KSP i built a shuttle style plane attached to an obviously giant rocket, and i left for Laythe, after an hour i arrived on Laythe and as i re-entered the atmosphere i noticed that there was a target at the north pole , apparently I had already been to the north pole of Laythe hahaha.


    An hour well spent.

    i just visited laythes north pole for the first time the other day thats partially why i got the idea to make this suggestion

  6. 15 hours ago, intelliCom said:

    Why stop at Laythe? Kerbin needs them, and so do other planets and moons with oceans and ice caps.

    yea it would be cool to have it on kerbin but i feel like it would be good to kind of give laythe a new style cause in the old game it kind of looked like a tropical paradise even though in reality its more like northern canada

  7. I think there should be more emphasis in the new game that laythe is a cold place. it already has polar ice caps so it would be a nice feature if ice bergs would be randomly generated around the planet sort of like how asteroids are generated. they would appear more frequently the closer you get to the poles because of the lower temperature it would also be funny if kerbals tried to walk on them they will slip and fall or freak out trying to hold their balance

  8. I have a million ideas for types of multiplayer game modes there could be so here is my list. some of these can be combined together as well

    1. Online - big online sandbox servers with random people unlike normal multiplayer where its private. you are allowed to do whatever you want and there is a text and voice chat feature so you can scream at people. basically GTA online

    2. Custom online - same thing as online servers but you can create them and add your own goals or mission scenarios

    3. Hardcore - VERY realistic mode, real money and government funding and public reputation, missions can fail randomly and kerbals need food water and oxygen to survive.

    4. International mode - like hardcore but multiplayer and you can work together with your friends or not your choice

    5. Space race - choose between too ideological rivals, Kapitalism or Kommunism, they each come with their own ups and downs that will influence your funding and the technology you get, the goal is to beat the other space program to the edge of the solar system, the game ends by tallying up your space achievements and whoever has the most wins. can be played against an AI or friend

    6. Science career - a game mode where your funding is influenced by how much science you do

    7. Colony mode - play against a rival and try to colonize every planet in the solar system and beyond whoever has a larger population of colonists wins

    8. Doomsday mode - the clock is ticking before and an asteroid hits kerbin and ends the world, the asteroid is too big to be destroyed so you have to get at least 1000 kerbals off kerbin and on another planet before the asteroid hits.

    9. Crime mode - you are up against a rival and your goal is to hinder his space program as much as you can and vice versa. bonus points for stealing, if your opponent is more far down the tech tree than you than you can launch an operation to steal a craft with technology you dont have yet, once you recover it you will unlock that technology without having to get science points.

    10. Custom mode - Maybe people could make their own custom game modes to play, similar to how making history lets you create custom scenario


    i dont think the devs probably have enough time to make all of these and thats ok but im sure some could fit

  9. add an experiment in the new game that detects signs of past or present alien life like primitive bacteria and have some fully habitable planets with some weird animals everywhere and u can punch them or something and maybe some are aggressive so the kerbals can have guns to defend themselves

  10. 18 hours ago, t_v said:

    I like the flag idea, although I think that restricting it to land incentivizes people to build boats instead of plopping the flag wherever they splash down. When you say "boat parts" do you mean parts that have a boat-like cross-section? I think in general, a more flexible cross-section system could help but the use for specifically curved triangular cross-sections might be too niche and you have to build with combinations of other parts.

    That aside, I don't know which video it was in, but the KSC has water docks. As for physics, they already allow for submersibles and allowing ships to take on water might be a bit difficult to program (unless cargo bays are programmed like fuel tanks and can visually fill as fluids enter)

    by boat parts i mean kind of like the space plane hulls. different types like there could be some if you want to build a massive ship or a tiny speedboat

  11. i always felt like boats were something KSP really needed. they literally made a moon like laythe that is almost entirely covered in ocean and never added boat parts so we could sail on them, i know its still possible to make boats with the stock parts but its a lot harder and to test them on kerbin you have to get them moved all the way to the water which is a pain in the ass. so maybe add a port as the 3rd launch pad where u can test them and some water physics. idk much about how boats work but ik if something is less dense that water it will float so maybe make it so that if ur boat is denser than the liquid it is floating on it will sink and this could be done to make submarines too and finally make its so you can place flags on water. its just a normal flag with a little buoy to keep it afloat on the ocean

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