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Everything posted by Andon

  1. There's another update to Firespitter that came out a few days ago. Seems to have solved my non-opening door issues.
  2. So I see this was answered (Good!) but a nice thing that Tweakables allows for VTOLs is if you set the "Forward" engines to 0 thrust, you can see the CoT for just the "Lifting" engines. Of course, same applies in reverse, too.
  3. I've had no issues with RM2 and Mechjeb, so I'm betting it's more likely to be PreciseNode
  4. KSP, Go home. You are drunk. I've actually seen the clotheshangar before once. Weirded me out.
  5. A Mega-lifting rocket that utilized an orange tank with a LV-T30 surrounded by six LV-T45s on the "Aerodynamic Tail" thingy. Then asparagus staged with eight more of those monstrosities (Had to use radial attachment points + fuel tanks as decouplers for enough spacing!). It ended up in orbit at about 100t, carrying two of the side rockets (With fuel left over...) as well. Then .20 came out and I tried something else.
  6. Interesting challenge. The only problem is that electromagnets don't allow transfer of fuels. To do that, you have to have a kerbal insert the winch end point into a winch end receptacle in docked mode - Which then treats the aircarft as one (Same applies to KAS pipes). THAT could cause some fun with aerodynamics. Still, it's an interesting concept. Docking ports might be the best way to go, though.
  7. Right click it and activate it. Beware, though, it'll eat the entire craft of any part that touches it.
  8. REALLY depends with the fuel you have. Honestly, depending on the setup, I'd probably fill my other fuel tanks, then shut them from using any fuel and use the Mainsail for a burn or two before ditching it and the tank. I'm not one to waste fuel that's in orbit, though, and it IS best to ditch the mainsail if it'd be sucking off of the main craft's tanks.
  9. You're informing us, which is a pretty good thing. Just let us know
  10. Which, to be fair, doesn't mean that people put it in their folder.
  11. You are incorrect. First thing I did was update Firespitter. The doors function, to a point - they just play the close animation instead of the open one. Please don't assume that people are stupid when they have a problem. Most of us find it offensive.
  12. That's why it's the EDU version and not our version.
  13. Aye, that's what I'd like. Being able to set a few degrees of trim in the SPH/VAB would be real nice.
  14. OK, so I'm still having the constant low-grade pitch down and can't seem to get rid of it. Made me think - On pretty much every modern aircraft, they can adjust the settings of some control surfaces to counteract these sorts of things. Is that a planned thing for FAR?
  15. Bac9, are you planning on adding any rear loading ramps for cargo bays other than the HL series?
  16. Nope. They're single axis that just LOOKs like multi-axis. If you get the absolute center off the ground, the whole contraption stops.
  17. Who says they have to have multiple axis? I'm sure they'd look just fine even if the axis were placed in the center of the whole structure, especially for the 6-wheeled systems.
  18. if you copy the config from the older version over to the new version, you can get rid of the time delay. The antenna thing is a bit annoying, though.
  19. With any sort of aircraft, you can gain altitude at the cost of speed. Probably not an infiniglide glitch there, just physics being somewhat approaching reality. Also, water landings are... harsh. Water rips everything right apart.
  20. So... I'm looking for some advice. I design planes that fly. Fly well, that's another question entirely. But one thing I've come across in every plane, regardless of how well it flies, is turning SAS on causes it to twitch roll, back and forth several times a second. Usually it ends up slowly rolling in one direction or another. Is this something that can be addressed? Additionally, it seems like the nose of my planes always want to pitch down. I'm assuming this is a bit of a design problem, but when I turn on SAS, it only slows the down pitch. I leave it for a few seconds and I'm going down instead of up. The planes have more than enough control to make sure they point in the right direction, but SAS isn't working properly with it. Again, is this something that can be addressed?
  21. I'm having it show "Unknown Target" when I target mission control, but so far it's still been working.
  22. This is the BEST plugin ever. My only thing? Perhaps keep track of punts by Kerbal. See if Jeb's record is beating Bill's, or if Bob's coming up with something new. Also, riding the SRB + Pod looks terribly fun.
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