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Posts posted by gussi111

  1. 50 minutes ago, ChrisShourai said:

    When? Why can't you commit to a roadmap of information releases? Even if it's once a month. We should expect to hear all the big leaps the team is making to get us to this milestone. I left a detailed comment on this about some things you've said before over here if you'd like a bit more background into my concern in this post - 

    We keep hearing "soon," "lead-up," " I should write a little dev blog on this (Sept 8).," and "My hope is that, in the future, you can look back on these past few months and see how much progress we've made towards changing your mind (August 14)."

    I mean, at this stage, I assume soon means when we feel like it; lead-up... hasn't been happening since EA launch, even though that's been the lead-up time for the first milestone, then the past few months really means 12 months period?

    This is rhetorical since I know you could never answer it; Who in the echelons of the higher-ups thinks it makes good marketing sense with the state of the community frustrations to withhold any substantive information on the very first milestone since EA launch seven months ago? I don't think most KSP fans would care if it took a year or more to hit the first milestone, but only that you're honest about that timeframe and let us take an insider journey with you along the way.

    Anyway, I appreciate all the effort regardless.

    Dakota said we will get new info close to the science update.

  2. 17 minutes ago, moeggz said:

    The quote here applies “never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.”

    I’m not blaming any individual, they all seem like good people who believe in KSP who are doing their best. But the company is big enough that every individual can be competent and smart but if the system is set up bad a lot of good people’s efforts could be wasted. 

    I think even the most optimistic among us now admit something has gone wrong for it to stay in the state it is in for so long. 

    So assuming incompetence (of the company, again thinking that everyone we have interacted with is intelligent and capable) for me what could satisfy me is simply results. Make the game better. If you just give dates or raise expectations meet them. That proves competence. I get that in game design dates can be hard, so I’d rather no dates but they keep giving us them just to miss them.

    This is why, even tho I misread his posts (which I do apologize for) I think my emotional reaction isn’t changed much. 

    They still gave us a date and some videos to look forward to with their apology. They then missed the date and not only that they delayed the video and have now gone a week without even mentioning what happened to it. How hard can a 10 minute screen capture of some vfx of the reentry hearing and a 10 minute video of a dev discussing it be?

    They said 2 weeks ago we could expect this video in the coming weeks and it’s now confirmed it won’t be until at the soonest 3 weeks after that statement. 

    This isn’t a delay on the patch for performance reasons, this is straight up promising a simple video, delaying it, and then ignoring it exists the next week. 

    All his other replies seemed to imply that the community should not expect much for the next few weeks, so even tho I misread him I still think the video will be closer in time to what I read his response as then not.

    You had an apology, a date, and some videos to look forward to. When the last two are delayed and then seemingly forgot about the apology isn’t worth much.

    And I thought we would get science this year ;(

  3. 56 minutes ago, Strawberry said:

    Wha, why is everyone acting like there word on wobble has radically changed all of a sudden??? Literally like the fourth dev post "We've also begun some investigations into improving the current wobbly rocket situation, and we should have more to discuss on that subject soon. ", like that line has been repeated like five times now, also the first ama "If a rocket is skinny and made of many stacked parts, it should wobble. Larger scales, no.".  I could name more but I dont feel like dredging through more forums text. Like nothing we've heard here is a sudden shift thats out of nowhere.

    I think only one person said that, everyone else is giving their opinion on how to improve it.

  4. 22 hours ago, Spicat said:

    Can we stop with the player count argument it’s so tiring, people brought it up just to disrupt things, it’s randomly posted everytime without any context. And strangely people don’t know statistics, you don’t pick the lowest number just because it fits your narrative. If you are not dishonest you pick a tendency, like the average, on multiple day. It’s still declining but at least it’s more honest. (And yes I won’t add to the fact that it’s not a really good metric, already been said)

    I said the lowest player count so far didn't I?

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