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Everything posted by CarelessDoughnut

  1. I see. Thanks, it's still better than closing the game and going all over the main menu
  2. Thank you ColdJ I got it working by isolating the suspension values, trying them one by one. Now it's working fine... except its clipping on the SPH. I'm guessing the parts in the editor imitate the position on the .mu?
  3. Empezé a traducir el cfg para SXT. Cuando lo termine se lo paso al autor o lo pongo acá para que lo prueben?
  4. @sarbian Is there a way to, instead of reloading the whole Database with the Alt+F11 Menu, reload a single part? For example: I load the game, try a part I'm modding, correct whatever is wrong in the file, and then reload just that part and only its associated textures,sounds, etc.
  5. Exactly that post i saw like once and then lost it, but it's the one i understood the most. Yes, in the "extended" position. Oh that's a cool trick; i was closing and reopening KSP over deleting a minus.
  6. I made that collider from the Add Mu Collider > Sphere since i didn't see a "circle" option and thought "well, they're both round" . I did look onto the GearFree model to do mine but i tried doing it from scratch. You mean the text? thats the position of the objects. I thought it could be a mistake with suspensionOffset, suspensionDistance or targetPosition Now I remade the part using GearFree as you said, the wheel does rotate, but the two fairing parts got separated
  7. For the last days i've been trying to make a landing gear part following some tutorials here on the forum and other posts, but I'm not getting it right. I'm not sure if it's the hierarchy or the cfg. The wheel works as it should but the mesh does not rotate and the suspension does not move; it stays frozen on what should be the most extended position whether it's flying or grounded. Can you help me figure it out? Here's the MU. ▽sus_up is the base and ▽sus_down should follow +suspension and ▽wheel And heres's my CFG
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