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Everything posted by yamen

  1. adsii1970 I have KSP 1.12.1 and BDArmory 1.9 but it says 1 second after game start(BDArmory weapons expansion: version incompatible please use 1.3) and the weapons don't show up so how can i get them to show up?
  2. does BDArmory fit with realism overhaul?
  3. I have installed far future technologies, RO then the problem started showing up(when the game was loading it showed a waring(B9 part switch-serious warning) and it advised me to fix the problem ASAP. Because I didn't know how to fix it I waited and also installed interstellar mod and kerbal planetary bases in the following 2 days, but after those 2 days i had a problem that i couldn't activate the engine even when right-clicking so I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and the files were still there and the problem too. can you tell me what to do?
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