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  1. The "revert to launch" button on the FMRS window (not the one in the pause window) deletes all your current and completed contracts when you use it. KSP version 1.12.2 Mods installed through CKAN. Reproducible using only FMRS and its dependencies. FMRS Continued Click Through Blocker Toolbar Controller Zero MiniAVC Recovery Controller 0.0.4 (Its max game version is 1.8.1, but it's required) Module Manager 4.2.1 To reproduce: Open a career mode game and accept a contract. Build any simple rocket. On the launchpad, verify that the contract is in the contract toolbar widget. Launch the rocket and then press the Revert to Launch button on the FMRS window. It will revert to before launch. Verify that the contract is no longer in the contract toolbar widget. Optionally also verify that previously completed contracts are not visible in mission control. Contracts can be restored only by loading a previous save. Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Zp06A2M-1qyzPMa2QGGANJ3Fmxb1g3K/view?usp=sharing
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