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Everything posted by Cilph

  1. Rewrite from scratch to make it easier to maintain; more modular, more event-based. Using KSP API features that weren't around when RT was first developed; As you can see, full network rendering. You can filter it by type of connection or turn it off completely. Works from the tracking station, and no camera rotation lag; Revised UI. KSP is not Eve Online / Spreadsheet Simulator; Revised dish targeting (will probably add multiple targets to replace the planet targeting system); Rebalanced range/consumption; Hopefully some stock looking antennas (volunteers?); Better support for stuff like Figaro's, ISA Mapsat, ProgCom and more; If ProgCom support is not enough, LUA scripting a la Expression2; No guarantees though, I've barely run anything by JDP as he's been busy with this thesis and stuff.
  2. It's because I'm rewriting RemoteTech from scratch . I told JDP not to mention anything until I could show stuff. I think a rendered network works
  3. Used this to summon frost giants to try and vanquish today's 30C indoor temperature demons: Effectiveness yet to be determined. Cast a second spell from the tracking station. Hopefully more productivity tomorrow D=.
  4. Do you have a dipole antenna on there? The stock ones have 2km range when inactive and will snap off when flown with in atmosphere. What do you mean exactly? The input delay is to simulate speed of light transmissions, and you can turn this off in the config file. What do you mean by lag if not that?
  5. You can just write OnPause, should be identical.
  6. Not sure if this is entirely new with 0.20, but I found a static GameEvent class that lets you register delegates for a whole ton of events. https://gist.github.com/Cilph/baab143258211f852dfe
  7. Alrighty, read up on C# and the Unity API and set up a GitHub repo. Hope to be contributing to RemoteTech soon. Source looks like it could use a serious cleanup as well . @JDP: Hit me up on twitter for contact information.
  8. Not really. I'm mainly into embedded so when I made the transition from C++ to Java a year back I was absolutely annoyed by the lack of memory control and disgusted with myself for using ArrayLists and HashMaps everywhere. *shudder*. Anyhow, I was thinking of writing a parser that opens up a basic and modified subset of LUA to the user. Here's an example I'm coming up with right now, based on Expression2. Would convert into a single LUA function: // Header %name TestProgram // Name used for saving/loading. %interval 10 // Would run the script every 10 frames. %cinterval 10 // Would run the script every 10 frames regardless of events. %event Sensor.Acceleration > 1.2 // Fire the script once if abs(Sensor.Acceleration) > 1.2 %cevent Sensor.Radar < 10000 // Fire the script every interval tick if Sensor.Radar < 10000. %persist I D // Persistent states used for PID control. // Body if (#Sensor.Radar) { // if Sensor.Radar was responsible for the trigger. if(Sensor.Radar < 0.5 && (Sensor.Acceleration - Sensor.Gravity) < 0.01) { // I think we've landed? done(); // Completes program, prevents further execution. } ASAS.SetPitch(90*(1-Sensor.Radar/10000)); // Do some PID magic here to set throttle. } Just brainstorming.
  9. Completely agree. If a user wants to have a universal launch/land-at, he will have to do that using the basic functions provided and write his own subroutines for that. You would only be able to use data that the probe could realistically obtain on its own, like acceleration and rough altitude. That should be enough (I think) to provide estimates for periapsis/apoapsis and do what we commonly call gravity turns. I've got about 5 years of experience in C++ but much less with Java and C# so it'd be somewhat of a learning experience for me as well.
  10. I was thinking of something like Half-Life 2's Garry's Mod's WireMod's Expression2 system (what a mouthful), except more basic. You could write some basic event-driven routines ingame (or save/load) and upload that via antenna. Haven't brainstormed much on this so there's still a lot to figure out before I could even start implementing this.
  11. Brrr. Did my first interplanetary mission today where signal delay really mattered. It's tough landing a rover with 3 minutes of signal delay. Loved doing it though. I'm considering extending RemoteTech with some sort of AI support where you can essentially write a script or state machine for your probe that triggers actions based on sensor data. What does everyone think?
  12. Liking the effort put into both the MicroSat and AeroProbe, although I won't be using them personally. (non-stock vibe, pre-assembled). I've also found the teapot. Nicely hidden. Of course you can't prove I've actually found it, so you'll just have to assume that.
  13. OS issues aside, Rasp. Pi will never run KSP just because of the immense lack of performance.
  14. 653) You realise midflight that you had symmetry off when connecting fuel lines in an upper stage. 654) Your decouplers activate in the wrong order.
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