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Everything posted by T-Bouw

  1. Being a carrier and thus big, I suspect your craft wobbles and buckles somewhat, perhaps resulting in your engine-exhaust hitting some parts. Are by any chance your engines placed high up on your craft? If that's the case, try placing them lower. And/or strutting the engines.
  2. Yes, Vesta is more in the spirit of the "First letter from a very important name". So it's unfortunately not a word like: victory or just a letter like in delta-v. Despite the fact that I would like to see those things Very much .
  3. Can you still click with the mouse on the light-blue orbital map button (shown here in the picture to the bottom right)? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/w/images/2/2e/Docking_lin.png
  4. Well I don't remember my dream from last night, but when I woke up I looked at my alarm clock (still half asleep) and said: K stands for Kerbal! Luckily the GF wasn't fully awake as well! That would have been weird. I played a lot of KSP yesterday evening...
  5. Personal hygiene has to be taken into consideration as well. I'm not your parent but, trust me, do not skimp on this. Do what you have to do everyday. If I smell a person from the other side of the room (be it a guy/girl/man/woman) I don't even want to be near them, let alone talk to them.
  6. That's because the Kerbals are using huge VAB/SPH-sized Air Curtains at the entrances. (your turn now, )
  7. Time warping does not have to be a problem per sé. If say, one player performs a time warp for instance, other players would still percieve that players actions as if they were happening at normal speed. It's just that that players actions have already happened. The only difference would be that players would end up not playing in sync rather then real-time and you couldn't/shouldn't collide/dock/interact with each other. Like a ghost player. Actually, thinking about it, that probably wouldn't be as fun...
  8. I voted: Have TV, live alone because it came closest to my situation, though I live with my girlfriend. If it wasn't for her, I might not have taken cable-TV. The TV would probably only have been used to occasionly watch the 3 free public channels we receive and for playing console games.
  9. Mittens are said to be more warm than gloves. Perhaps Kerbals have a low tollerance for cold since they also seem to always wear spacesuits.
  10. The whole concept of "massless parts" feels very UNscientific to me. And the way it is implemented is apparently not consistent. Then again this is a semi-realistic game!
  11. I think it would be fun to compete for completing contracts. He/she who completes all objectives first, gets awarded the payout. Just like real life companies competing over government contracts and funding!
  12. Perhaps it's sufficient to use a couple of small struts on the side of the tank instead. Landing gear would only add more clicking anyway... Nice unorthodox design by the way! The article in the link provided by billbobjebkirk was an interresting read. If you only look at the outlines of von Pragenau's designs, you would see that the stack almost looks like a regular rocket! Complete with tail fins and all! But we all know that the Space Shuttle was actually the weird one. Even the Buran had a more sane design. Though in defence, the Buran and von Pragenau's designs were thought up after the Space Shuttle. Hindsight is easier than foresight...
  13. T-Bouw


    Chappie himself reminds me of the cyborg Briareos Hecatonchires from Appleseed. I guess it's because of the "bunny ear" sensors. Looking forward to the movie!
  14. Hi everyone! I've been playing KSP since version 0.13. After a few updates there was 1 that enabled analog walking of Kerbals on EVA. I can't for the life of me remember which update that was or, more importantly, why doesn't it work in the most recent version (0.90) of the game? I'm running a clean and vanilla install of KSP. Back then as well. It's a little jarring to land a craft with a joystick/pad, but then having to switch to using keyboard and mouse when I go EVA. Yes, I always assign an axis to every place that enables me to do so, but the funny little green guys just don't walk using an axis of any kind. Movement in space using the jetpack does work though. Am I missing something here? Because I know for sure it was possible for some time. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  15. What I like most about 0.90 carreer-mode is that it forces me to really think about my designs. Not just; slap something together and hope that it works, if not, "ADD MORE BOOSTERS!", since weight and money have to be taken into consideration as well. It's like several big puzzles that needs solving. Had to re-learn the abc's of getting into orbit efficiently. I got better than ever at KSP now!
  16. I second naming my planes after birds. Very obvious and easy! Usually I try to give them a name that's fitting, not just a cool-sounding one. My Colibri-series of planes, for instance, are named thus because they lack proper landing gear but hover great as do real Colibri birds.
  17. Perhaps he had sooo many posts, the couter reset itself to zero again... But indeed a very nice view! I'll bet leg-space is ample in this fine specimen of a plane!
  18. It seems stage 1 in the first picture was already activated. When you pressed the spacebar you activated the last stage containing the shutes. I don't see the fuel bar next to the engines in the first picture. Can the fuel get to the engines? Also it's best not to mess with the staging sequence in flight. Use it only in an emergency, because as you have discovered, unexpected things can happen. Next time, check the sequence thoroughly in the VAB before launch. Mousing over each icon in the sequence to see which part will trigger when and together with which other part(s).
  19. I like your idea! Often enough I have to spell out my weird last name in my line of work. I work with millitary people so using the NATO phonetic alphabet they always understand on the first try! You're missing the W though. Perhaps use Xerxes for X? It's an old one used during WW1 and sounds cool in my opinion. Also you could use the names of a Kerbal celestial body for the missing letters. Eve, Laythe, Pol, Vall. I suggest using only one though to avoid over-use, and overall getting-oldieness.
  20. I\'ll have to agree with yyri here. The blood, sweat and tears to bring that monster in orbit yourself will make you gleeful like a little girl.
  21. I\'m proud of these shots. My first landing on the hard Mun: Yes, that (pretty) explosion is from the remains of the lander. With only a pod left, a classic touchdown. But it weren\'t Bill Bob & Jeb on the controls. Figures... They also became the first marrooned Kerbals. Jay! Now these guys, on the second attempt in the same design, did a little better: It may be hard to see, but they landed 17.8 Km from the others (to bad it wasn\'t version 0.16). My precision was not the best back then. Also not the original crew, so of course, because of the inefficiënt landing and return, they had a shortage of fuel on the way home... Jay!
  22. He\'s eternally going through a mid-life-crisis. You\'ll do crazy stuff during that time....
  23. Heroes is one of the few series I would really take the time for to watch. It\'s like 'X-Men - The Series' Runners up are the Saturday-morning cartoons from DC and Marvel. And Voyager.
  24. Solidified Adrenaline. No doubt about it.
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