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Everything posted by MihalyArchangel

  1. @Maria SironaYep, In my defense, the Saturn IB looks cool and also it was the only one that could accomodate it...
  2. I was playing KSP once with JNSQ and I just had a massive lag spike, Obviously I used task manager to close it, Then after a new boot I was met with the same problem... After that I installed KSP on my SSD with the same set of mods and still, the problem persisted however the load times did get faster but that didn't change anything. Specs: GTX-1050 Ti i5 4440 Reproduction Steps: Open the game, Wait for it to pass the initial loading screen, get onto the pre-menu loading screen and crash Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12tiavitllfnmyKdi86YPDQcFCC_8BRel/view?usp=sharing (Feel free to ask any questions on the topic, I'm happy to provide info!)
  3. Odyssey Core Module Launch, July 26th 2005 Odyssey launched on top of a Saturn IB Rocket, From the Saturn family of Rockets. Stage Separation Event happened 4:35 Minutes into the Flight. This image was captured by one of our high powered Ground Telescopes, In the picture you can see the S-II currently on it's way to re-entry and eventually burn up. Last Image from S-II captured from It's Right upper tank Camera. S-II Burned up in the process of re-entering, potential debris left were from the Carbon fiber fairing shieldings but those were most likely torn apart due to the aerodynamic forces. Currently, the Space Station successfully deployed it's solar panels, cameras and radiators. As for having Internet Access and other features on the Station, NASA has decided to Contribute launching a Relay of satellites which will be launched from the European Space Agency's Light launch vehicle, Vega, Produced by ArianeSpace. Next on the list: Vega IRDC-1A
  4. What's the concept about? The main Idea comes from a fictionalized type of environment mixed with real world assets, NASA, ESA and others. But my main inspiration came from a fellow use in the Forum and Filmmaker @Aluminum Oxide (Highly recommend watching his KSP Videos, they are very fun and also have story in them!) Aluminum used alot of real world assets in his videos along with his creativity and storyline which created a very nice environment for his videos, Overall It's a mix between Real-Life and Alternate History. What mods are being used? As the Mod's list is pretty big, I'm only going to list the main ones that I'm using; -CX Aerospace | For the Station Parts -Habtech 1 (Keep In mind that I'm using some very old mods, and I highly recommend that you do not install these on your KSP) -Real Scale Boosters -Phoenix Industries | For the Space Suits, Greenhouse and other Rocket parts. -Near Future Solar | For the shiny solar panels! The reason that I use some old mods is mainly because my laptop is not very powerful to run Graphic Intesive/Texture Intesive ones, Although some of them are actually up-to-date and can be used normally on 1.8.1-1.9.1. Inspiration and Credits I would like to credit @Aluminum Oxide for not only the Storywriting but also the Crafts that he built in KSP since they're pretty awesome! Check out his Youtube Channel; https://www.youtube.com/c/AluminumOxide/videos (You should also check his Wiki too, It contains alot of stuff from his KSP Storyline.) Enough Information for now, Let's get onto the Lore... It is the Year 2002, Daniel Carmack, Founder and CEO of NeXT Computing intiated a Private Alliance of which many countries and Agencies can take part of. John McNathan, a rich investor from the Sillicon valley decides to be the first Commercial crew-member of the Project and is set to be aboard no longer than 2009, once work is done on the Station. Also with this many countries such as, USA, Russia, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, South Korea have clarified that they are going to be involved in the Project. The Infrastructure is set up in a way that allows it to not only be a Research Laboratory but also a Workshop and Workspace for various uses, either for Biology, Medicine, Engineering as part of the work environment. Although there have been many setbacks, most resources are available and cost less than they used too back in the Skylab/Mir Era. In July 17th of 2003 a meeting was held with the Administrators of each Agency, all countries and Agencies agreed that each one would cooperate into making sure that the project was viable and had a solid foundation. And so In the year 2005, Daniel Carmack founded Oracle Aerospace which would take care of building Private modules and a major part of the Space Station which would be named " Odyssey Space WorkStation ". In the Same Year, NASA and Oracle Aerospace are currently preparing to launch the first module on the Saturn IB Rocket on a Mission named " A New Odyssey " . Odyssey Core Module | In-Construction - 07/02/2005 For those who like my Story, consider sharing or even commenting, I'll be sure to answer questions when I can!
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