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SSTO Crasher

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Everything posted by SSTO Crasher

  1. Banned for cheating Oh hey llok new page
  2. Welcome to probably the most supportive gaming community there is
  3. That is the DART I presume
  4. Do you have the dart file yet that works without steam
  5. I was thinking the rev 2 would get yeeted, I still have a dramatic scene in mind when jeb finds out his long presumed dead sister is working for the koviets
  6. Using the standard form of calling people a cheater is cheating
  7. Prelude to the next chapter A second and a third Koviet mission control knew what had happened, they knew what was going on in orbit and they knew what happened to ScanSat-1. “Sir what do we do” says the intern on duty “Tell the government that we have shot down the kamerican satellite and that we have launched Revolution 2 and 3, order the fleet in orbit to destroy this Kappanese warship” oh yeah @Akagi don’t have the D.A.R.T shoot down the revolutions, I need DART to go down for plot reasons How about in the first kar war the kappanese were exiled to laythe, and that is where they created this plan to attack kerbin
  8. Does it work if I do not have steam
  9. Ok, please do not post new content until my post later today Also is it cool if I use the revolution heavy fighters to destroy the D.A.R.T
  10. Ok, please avoid bda as much as possible to avoid breaking the saves, also I gotta know how these stock turrets work
  11. Ok so now the required mod is BDA for RP
  12. But for it to work I would need it’s craft file
  13. And if you could give be a craft file for a good space battleship to be the KES nippon
  14. @Earthlinger do we need bd armory for this, and also I need the save file
  15. I will post the next one, please don’t post anything in the meantime
  16. The koviet Union already has ships in space designed to destroy, revolution 2 and 3 will need in my next entry
  17. Using the greek names for letters is cheating
  18. Oh can I get one of your latest battleships also when are you going to make an entry, i have given you the save
  19. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vdLBrtlBdORgWNPIneoxUFqrErngWgOX/view?usp=sharing The save file Please reserve a time to do the next post before you post it so that it does not end up in confusion. to use the file please follow these steps 1. Be on pc 2. make sure you are on 1.12.3 3. Download the file 4. Unzip the file 5. Open the file, and copy the first file you see into the ksp saves file
  20. I will try to get the save file to you today. Also it is not just meant to be like a naval battle league
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