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SSTO Crasher

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Everything posted by SSTO Crasher

  1. Banned for being a kerbaloid, not a kerbal
  2. Don’t know about that one TUMB has crashed at least one SSTO
  3. Um are you sure the mods will not lock this thread for spam
  4. Following this logic there would be no planets because the gravity of the sun is the dominant gravitational power in the entire system, we are talking about the dominant object in earths orbital height, and the earth clearly has the dominant power over the moon as the moon is orbiting the earth but we have swayed off topic
  5. Yes but any moons orbit around earth at that distance would make the moon leave orbit, making your point pointless as the earth would clearly dominate the orbit of the 2
  6. Well Jupiter is clearly the dominant object in its orbit
  7. There is something I am concerned about, I was reading about why Pulte was demoted, and it’s because it was not the dominant object in its orbit. But rask and rusk are orbiting each other, meaning neither of them is the dominant objects in their orbit, so are they really planets.
  8. You have no profile pic but you are still very cool
  9. Banned for not playing ksp exclusively
  10. Incorrect, I use CKAN for all my mods because I am trash at manual install TUBM uses mods
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