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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Без Ваших модов в KSP вообще нечего делать. Спасибо огромное!
  2. I miss this addon. It enabled the Rovers to overcome the ups and downs to 25-30 degrees. On any planet or moon. With good speed and without slipping. Without it, the Rover is worthless.
  3. Thank you! The ships were loaded. Almost all of them. Beale "Vostok" - landing speed - with an open parachute - is 10 meters per second.
  4. Really? <TJSNH's Craft Files> -- 404 error for kerbal stuff link <curtquarquesso collection - nearly every craft you can imagine> see below pics
  5. Where can I find Assembly instructions? [spoiler: Craft Files] on first page are broken.
  6. Here's a fracture in the surface Minmus. Stretches very far. Extremely dangerous.
  7. IMO KSP is ready for v1.0, when I won't need the add-ons in such quantity. Not yet.
  8. Yes, now I can ride on the Mun! Set gravity as Eve and go. No cows on the ice. Overpowered RTG (rate = 10000) is built into the camera. Many thanks,Tuareg
  9. Thanks for the reply. But the problem remained. In the config I set consumption = 0.0. But electricity still disappears instantly. The only thing I could do is to install RTG with the parameter "rate = 10000".
  10. It seems that Your amazing invention is the only way to get the Rovers to adequately drive around Mune and Dune. So, two questions: 1) How to reduce (better - off) power consumption? 2) How to embed it directly in the wheels of the Rover?
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