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Everything posted by waefre_1

  1. Bit late, but I just ran into and fixed this issue myself. Fortunately, the method from this post worked - I found the SSPXR-TACLS-01.cfg file (in GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches), and made a backup. Then, I found the relevant Centrifuges section (starts at line 138) and changed @MODULE[TacGenericConverter],* { @conversionRate *= #$/MODULE[ModuleDeployableCentrifuge]/DeployedCrewCapacity$ @conversionRate += 0.2 } into !MODULE[TacGenericConverter],* { } The Cronus worked as expected after that.
  2. That might be a base Scatterer thing, there were a couple of posts in the Scatterer thread reporting the same blue glow (which extends up to at least 100km, if my last launch is to be believed).
  3. Good call - setting the extinctionThickness back down to 1 seemed to do the trick (given the context of the post you're talking about, I'd wonder if there was a Scatterer update around then as well that I'd simply forgotten or didn't notice). Thanks for the tip!
  4. Hey all: Afraid I'm popping in to second @BARRAGAN's report. I've also noticed a strange over-saturation of the colors post update (not just the terminator as previously reported, but also through atmosphere - screenshots in the spoiler). For whatever reason, the loading screen is unaffected, but both views from loaded craft and from the tracking station are affected. It seems to only affect Kerbin thus far, but I hadn't made it out of Kerbin's SOI on this run prior to the update dropping so I can't say for sure (tracking station views seem fine). It almost seems like there was some saturation value that got set abnormally high during the last update, but I can't seem to find anything in skimming the config files that would be a likely culprit. Sadly, this has persisted through a variety of different uninstalls, reinstalls, and downgrades. Spectra is an amazing mod and I'm not going to stop using it, but if anyone has any ideas as to what this could be or how to fix it, I would appreciate it.
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