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Posts posted by tremonthedgehog

  1. The Epsilon-Class shuttle is a long range heavy shuttle designed to accomplish the next generation of interplanetary science and exploration



    The Epsilon-Class is a cross a shuttle and a rocket plane, utilizing 6 vector engines and built-in fuel to power them it is more flexible and independent the previous designs. This flexibility can be seen in its elongated cargo bay, rear engine mount, and spacious crew quarters.

    Initial testing(Test pilot 1)jIYxnIP.jpgOne of the biggest challenges with the testing process for the Epsilon-Class is getting it into the air under conventional power.9QLUwZX.jpg


    Once it reached 5000m above sea level the carrier aircraft made the turn back to the KSC and shortly after, released the test aircraft, the Stork, and began it’s holding pattern.9ApYCFF.jpg


    Due to it weight, Epsilon-Class has a very steep angle of approach and lands at a high speed to prevent a fatal gear collapse and to allow speed for altitude gain and subsequent bail-out(once the devs add personal parachutes)q5BBkZt.jpg


  2. 3 minutes ago, moeggz said:

    By all reputable accounts 70 people at their Seattle studio out of their about 70 employees.

    Totally possible there is some clarification hear that makes this less bad… but they have left us with a corpo speak tweet for a week now. The time has come and passed to clarify before the worst was taken as the truth by the court of popular opinion.

    Fair, but I am an optimist

    we will see what comes of this

  3. While I do agree that we could see ksp2 get 1.0’d or outright cancelled we have no official confirmation of any dissolving of the dev team or the canceling of the game. All we know is that intercept layed off a few developers.


    we play ksp, surely we know how to have an appropriate reaction when a problem occurs

    Keep this post-mortem discussion in check

  4. On 1/8/2024 at 11:10 AM, Periple said:

    experiments getting interrupted when flying over a new biome although they shouldn’t,

    Based on my experience, only biome-specific experiments will get interrupted when flying over a new biome. This seems intentional as it means that you can't do the same experiment at very high altitudes, but instead, you have to be flying over the same biome long enough for the experiment to complete. I would assume the developers reasoning behind this is that they wanted to make collecting science more gameplay-centric, and forcing you to stay over one biome to collect science would be one way to do that.t

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