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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Brand: CyberPower GPU: AMD R9 270X, 2GB of GDDR5 CPU: AMD FX-8350, 8 cores, 4GHz clock speed HDD: Single 2TB drive RAM: 8GB (2 4GB sticks) OS: Windows 8.1 64bit Air Cooled, runs quietly at all times though Got it for Christmas of 2013 Using the CMStorm Devastator keyboard and mouse combo, Turtle Beach P11 for the headset I think it was around $1000 This build is a huge leap over my 4 year old HP laptop. There are some amazing PCs in here!
  2. One of Jefmajor's streams on Twitch. I rapidly fell in love with KSP.
  3. Ahh, IL-2. I have been playing this game for years now. I remember when I couldn't fly with almost any of the realistic settings, but now I am only limited by my setup and my willingness to set up a few more buttons on my keyboard. Recently, I actually got a few friends into the game, and we usually spend a good while almost daily just flying about and shooting at each other. Can't easily keep the realism and have to stick to "arcade mode," as my friends can only mainly use PS3/360 controllers, and there are issues with all the buttons needed to press. Speaking of controllers, does anyone know how to get Saitek X-52's (non-Pro setup) working fully on Windows 7? I have been having issues, and I feel like I have overlooked something. You need a Mod Activator for Mods to work. For example, I use the SAS ModAct.
  4. A laptop that I recently added 4 gigs of RAM to. Finally got a few issues straightened out, and I am quite happy with all 8 gigs working properly. Being relatively used to the low frames has come in handy more than once.
  5. I showed someone KSP last night, and today they've come up with this: *adds more SAS, ASAS, boosters, struts, and winglets* It'll work. It'll work. Can't say it won't work. Don't worry, it'll work. Add more stuff, it'll work.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistel That is what you are looking for. The challenge seems like it'd be difficult for even some experienced pilots (though I am an inexperienced pilot, so maybe it's me), and I know they are difficult to use from IL-2 experience. EDIT: Ninja'd
  7. New Space background, and improved atmosphere/effects of atmosphere, as in colors I think. And I'm with Softweir, I love everything about every update, and this one is no exception
  8. It depends on some things. How in-depth do you plan on getting controls set-up? With simplicity, those controllers seem fine, and even with a more complicated set in mind, they'd probably be great. Size constraints are a big factor, and those seem good for small spaces. Of course, personal things are look and feel, feel being difficult to judge via image, but look is simple to determine. I own a Saitek X-52 set, and while I only really use them for IL-2 1946 or FSX, they are a bit much for KSP. And more than $30. If you really want to go small and relatively cheap, buy a PS3/360 controller. The keyboard will of course need to be used, but it is better in terms of more precise controls over keyboard only. Hope you find something you like!
  9. Well, if listening counts: Other than that, Science Channel, Discovery Channel, History Channels. Plus any other scientific or space-related content I come across.
  10. In-game I don't think I get 50FPS, but it is playable at almost all times, or at least with medium to medium-large ships. I don't remember the model, but the specs I do. It has an Intel HD Graphics card, Dual-Core P6100 processors at ~2.4GHz each, 4GB of RAM, and 64MB dedicated memory. IL-2 1946 runs smoothly most of the time. Realflight G5.5 normally is at 20FPS+, and that is about as low as it goes. FSX, at 1024x768 screen res runs okay, with lowered ground detail/ground traffic. KSP, I play at 1024x768 screen res, using Mr_Orion's settings file. Aside from SM3 generation and the new part shaders on, everything is off. Hopefully I retyped what I wanted to say, as I accidently deleted my post while writing it last time.
  11. I\'ll probably build a standard plane/rocket, and see what happens when I jump out at low, medium, and high altitudes!
  12. I watched a jefmajor live stream. Octo-rocket designs, building, and explosions along with his commentary immediately got me to the demo page. I ended up playing the game side by side with the stream. Loved every second of this game, even though it took me forever to buy it.
  13. I must say, despite me having a laptop, that VT looks and plays amazingly well. While I cannot have all settings at high, I can have the planes at a high detail level. I really hope that VT turns out well.
  14. Well, just bought Vector Thrust. Hoping for the best. That\'s some cool stuff you\'ve got going, James510! Really like the Solo Wing Pixy skin!
  15. Thanks. I\'ll probably get it soon, then. All i\'m worried about is my GPU memory, but looking more at the requirements, I think I\'ll be fine.
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