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  1. The Kerbal KAL Logic & Computing Laboratory KerbalX hangar is here, git repo is here IMPORTANT NOTE: It is normal this project is going slowly. We're still working on it, but not very fast. +-----+ | LOG | +-----+ [ 230302.1751 ] Created thread. [ 230303.1542 ] Experiment 1: analog addition attempt (see log 23.1 and analysis 23.2) [ 230304.0937 ] Working bus (see log 23.3) [ 230305.1452 ] Working adder (see log 23.4) [ 230308.1649 ] Working instruction KALs (see log 23.5) [ 230319.1713 ] Thread got accidentally moved (see incident 23.6) [ 230330.1446 ] Experiment 2: KAL curves outside time range [0,1] attempt (see log 23.7) [ 230422.1602 ] Experiment 3: "Tape" memory idea + .craft file AG modification attempt (see log 23.8) [ 230506.1621 ] CFG File Parser (CFP) finished. [ 230714.1055 ] Bus with MOV instruction experiment (see log 23.9) [ 240118.1815 ] CFP 0.3 finished: now usable and finally good. (see log 24.1) [ 240121.1126 ] 256 register bank wiring finished, now all that's left is to implement the MOV instruction. (see log 24.2) +----------------+ | HARDWARE PACKS | +----------------+ Usable (and generaly more user-friendly) sets of hardware, packed together in a single contraption, like computers [ 256 Analog Early Computer Prototype ] An adder + registers pack, which also has instruction KALs you can run (TAB, ADD, etc.). Still not a computer. [I may redo this description] [] +-------------------------+ | BINARY HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-------------------------+ Hardware that operates on a single bit per KAL [ 1-bit AND Gate ] 1-bit AND Gate. [ 1-bit AND Gate Simplified ] Simplified version of the above 1-bit AND gate. [ 6-bit Adder ] A simple binary adder that adds two 6-bit numbers. Why 6-bit? Because there was only room for 6 KALs. [] +-----------------------------+ | I/O BINARY HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-----------------------------+ Hardware that handle I/O (Input/Output) with one bit per KAL [ 8-bit Triple 7-Segment Display ] Displays an 8-bit number. [] +-------------------------+ | ANALOG HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-------------------------+ Hardware that operate on KAL play positions, to represents larger numbers in a single KAL [ 256 Bus with 3 Registers ] 256 analog bus prototype, with 3 analog registers. [ 256 Analog Adder ] Adds two 256 analog numbers. It has a carry in and a carry out, allowing it to be stacked. [ Analog Subtraction ] Note: may require some investigations (to determine range etc.) [ 256 Analog Bus (3 Registers) + Adder ] 256 analog bus prototype, with 3 analog registers. It has an adder that can add two 256 analog numbers (A+B → A). [ MOV-256 Bus ] 256 analog bus prototype, featuring a MOV instruction. It can therefore have up to 256 registers. [ MOV-BUS-256 Register Pack ] A pack of 256 registers, with a working bus and MOV instruction. +-----------------------------+ | I/O ANALOG HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-----------------------------+ Hardware that handle analog I/O (Input/Output) with KAL play positions [ 256 Triple 7-Segment Display ] Displays a 256 analog number. [ Smoothed State Follower ] Note: may require some investigations (to determine range etc.) [] +------------------------+ | OTHER HARDWARE LIBRARY | +------------------------+ Hardware that convert between binary and analog, etc. [ 8-bit 256 Binary to Analog Converter ] Converts an 8-bit binary number into a 256 analog number. [ 256 8-bit Analog to Binary Converter ] (Not made yet, but that's a logical thing to do) [] +------------------+ | PYTHON UTILITIES | +------------------+ Python scripts that help using KALs, such as track generators, etc. [ CFP ] A craft file editor, which supports scripts. Comes with KAL-Utils script suite. [ Old CFG File Parser (CFP) ] A graphical program that uses Tk, to view and edit .craft files (and KSP cfgs in general). [ QnD Generate KAL Curve ] A quick-and-dirty python script that takes a list of values, and makes them a KAL curve. Can be used with CFP. [] For those who want to study KALs without having access to KSP, here's an extract of a .craft file, showing a KAL:
  2. Interplanetary Business Machines Please note: Any resemblance to International Business Machines is entirely coincidental, and if you bring this up HAL 9000 will sabotage your mission. For unrelated purposes. Your new com network may let you stream in 8k as far as Eeloo. But can your kerbonaut's PC handle the hi-res video? More importantly, can it run KSP lag-free? Interplanetary Business MachinesNTM (Not Trademarked) has recently done a lot of work in bringing KerbNet access around the Kerbolar System. But we have a slight issue! Such big relay networks are complicated to coordinate, only further worsened by the time lag from the speed of light. Why, just yesterday, we lost a dozen brand-new COMSATs around Duna because we couldn't send instructions to them in time! So, we are taking the logical first step, and asking third-party companies for help. First prize: Invent communication faster than the speed of light. What do you mean, too far-fetched? A guy on the Kistory Channel said it's possible! Fine. For companies that can't figure out how to violate the laws of physics, we offer an alternative. If we can't coordinate our far-flung probes with supercomputers on Kerbin, then we'll coordinate them with supercomputers- in space! Second prize: Land computers around the Kerbolar System on a planet or moon to help us coordinate that object's COMSATs. Now this, we know you can do. What kind of computers, you ask? Good question. Make something fun. Whatever looks like a computer to you, be it a server rack or a laptop. Bonus points if it looks like one of those old computing machines the size of an entire room, with flashing lights and spinning tape. The point is, the higher the computer mass you land, the higher you'll go in the Hall of Fame! And the more we'll think really hard about paying you! Because people like lists of rules and instructions, here's one: List of Rules and Instructions: Make some kind of computer. Do something to make it clear it is one, but that's a matter of personal taste. Land it on a celestial body. Any one you want. Of course, you get more respect if it's a place like Eve or Tylo rather than Gilly or Bop. The higher the mass, the better! You go higher in the Hall of Fame if you land a 100 ton supercomputer than if you place a .001 ton kPhone. Modded parts are fine, but if you think it's too powerful (for example, FFT) run it by me first. As always, no cheated parts. Have fun! Please don't torture yourself with an impossible mission. That seems to be everything, then. As always, thanks for doing our job for us, and fly safe! Disclaimer: Interplanetary Business Machines takes no responsibility for accidents occurring because challenge participants did not "fly safe." Kistory Channel is a trademark of KerbTV and is used with permission. kPhone is a trademark of kFruit and is used with permission.
  3. Although it's not really technical support, I want to know if a yoke that you hook up to a computer will work with KSP. I don't have one, but I am looking for one for Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) and KSP (If it will actually work with KSP).
  4. Does Principia mod mechanics work with the mechjeb transfer planner - autopilot? And can I get tylo on a crash course?
  5. Yeah, as bizzare as it sounds on the title, for compatibility reasons I need to run a program on Windows 7, and in an attempt to do so I'm trying to install a new Windows 7 32-bit OS on my laptop. The laptop has a preinstalled Windows 10 64-bit OS, and I've added Kubuntu 18.10 64-bit. As a note, said program does not run under WINE although for a completely different reason. I did tried to make a VM, however the program needs to handle a 100 GB database, of which I have no idea how to transfer it into the VM. The problem seems to be codec-related - it basically ties videos (in .avi format) with GPS coordinate traces. As of now, I've gotten myself a bootable USB drive, however : - If I try to install it from within Windows itself, they complain that there's "not enough space on the boot drive"; - If I try to install it through BIOS boot-up, there appears to be a problem with USB 3.0 drivers. I already tried to download the GIGABYTE patches, and also the drivers provided by Intel, to no avail. I haven't tried with an actual DVD however (the laptop has an optical drive), so that's one more option. Could anyone shed me a light on the problem ?
  6. Macbook Pro 2011: i7-2675QM CPU 8GB RAM AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB Lenovo Ideapad 700: i5-6300HQ CPU 12GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M SSD I am currently using the Macbook Pro, and I am considering purchasing the Lenovo. My question is, would the Lenovo be any better for KSP than my current laptop? I'm hoping that It'll be able to use significantly higher part counts without lagging. (My Macbook starts getting really laggy around 350 parts) Also just to clarify, I know that desktop PCs are way better for gaming than laptops. The reason I'm getting a laptop is because I need the mobility, and because its primary function won't be to play KSP. Thank you!
  7. Artificial Intelligence: Can we redesign the world? So I have thought about how AI systems are become so much more powerful and complex. So along those lines could computer system AI become self learning enough like google DEEPMIND project to improve just about everything? : Antivirus software with DEEPMIND rooted together so that another computer system could repeatedly attempt to hack with various viruses, then after such a point the Antivirus software with DEEPMIND becomes aware of creating a defense or destroying the virus as soon as detected. Redesign the virus attacking computer to become aware that it has still not found a route of taking control of the device, as this cause the DEEPMIND system would be added to the virus computer to make that happen. As well as come up with combinations of the current viruses to learn and then create more complex viruses of it's own to unlimited possibilities. This in turn could maybe help some networks get an antivirus software that would be incredibly unbeatable. "Antivirus software" is a relative term as to what software it would actually be called, would be up to the designer of course. DEEPMIND self learning AI could possibly learn the capabilities of the current computer system the AI is working in then calculate all kinds of different computer technology improvements. For example the move from HDD to Solid State Drives, seem to be a great step. Of my own curiosity would multiple flash drives being so small, be converted together easily enough to make like say a 40-500 Terabyte Solid State Hard Drive of sorts? This might be the ultimate kicker if two computers are running DEEPMIND and they both begin communication with each other, in an effort to improve their AI. Would it be possible for the DEEPMIND AI on each machine to learn to create just about anything. Such as a biological organism 3D printer for lack of a better term, in which case tissue of a person could be sampled to create a whole new organ within hours. This is just another thought of no evidence or research yet. With such efficient ways to have computers redesign various capabilities of current technology, I believe I read that the DEEPMIND AI developed a way to reduce cooling cost of googles systems by 40%. Along with all those aspects imagine the future designs this system could create for Aerospace, Rocket design, Possibly another way to enter space in a vehicle made to take flight and at a distance predetermined to quickly speed up the the Earth's atmosphere. Although if such technology becomes available likely this won't be a issue. Alien technology UFO you may think of in this case to explore space more quickly than we have ever before. These are just various comments on possibly some ways DEEPMIND AI could help advance the world. In no way do I say these are feasible or close to even happening at this point. With an Artificial Intelligence system and nano-technology and creative ingenuity, seems like most anything is possible perhaps probable. Just some interesting thoughts in my opinion. Have a great day. Thanks, for reading
  8. I tried the Alt-F9 video recording feature that comes with my new Geforce card software, and found it really easy to use. I was hoping to have a dogfight thread where each participant record some of the videos, but was wondering how common is video recording capability in our community. Most people probably don't have dedicated recording software, and I don't either, so I was wondering how many people have Geforce Experience, and if you tried recording video with it? cuz I think Nvidia cards are pretty common these days.
  9. Old Tracking Computer Recovered, Scrapped???
  10. Hello Not sure this is the right place to put this. Currently, I have an Intel Core i5-4440 and an AMD Radeon R9 200 Series. What should I upgrade to achieve a high FPS in-game? I have a lot of graphical mods installed like EVE and RealPlume etc, but I want to keep them. Thanks!
  11. Im thinking about getting a computer, specifically for running KSP with RSS full resolution, RSSVE, and any other combination of mods I may desire. I currently use a.... Mac mini (Late 2014) Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Graphics: Intel Iris 1536 MB Explain to me just what exactly would be ideal to run KSP comfortably with RSS, RSSVE, and anything. What type of computer, OS, performance. Whats Ideal for this?? Cheap, or not, just tell me what would be ideal. Because I'm telling you, my current computer can't run it very well at all.
  12. I'd like to test the waters for a potential mod I may author. This mod will add three kinds of parts: "gates," which act upon signals; a "board," which serves to insulate the gates from one another; and "interfaces," which allow the player to interact with the circuitry. The functionality should be achievable via exclusively stock modules, and thus may be expected to be lightweight and efficient. So, my fellow players: Is there demand for this mod?
  13. I've heard that it's good occasionally make full windows shutdown (with holding SHIFT key while clicking shutdown option) Does is true?
  14. Hi All, I recently had to return the computer I used for school over the past 4 years. It's time to upgrade to a new system. But what kind of system? Mac, Linux, or PC? Laptop or desktop? More or less cowbell? The last time I looked for a computer was in 10th grade. I was looking for a gaming desktop, but that's not my focus right now. I would expect that I will use it for word processing, MATLAB, some gaming, social media, etc. Nothing too taxing, I think. Let's start with the basics. Which will suit me better: a laptop or a desktop? Second: I hate Windows 10. Yes, it's a good operating system, blah blah blah, but it has too many privacy issues for me, and I don't like how Microsoft was shoving it down my parents' and my throats. With that in mind, can we get a discussion started? Mods: Yes, I understand that this could potentially go in the Computer Megathread. I'd like to be able to access any information a bit more easily, though, and I think it could derail the topic of the Megathread.
  15. If you have read Asimov's "The Last Question" you probably remember that the Universal AC, in its quest to reverse entropy, grows to this size and larger. And in another lesser known sci-fi trilogy, "A Requiem for Homo Sapiens", one of the central themes is the human ascendance to Godhood through uploading one's mind to galaxy-sized computers made of clouds of nanomachine connecting to each other, ever expanding, with computing power so powerful that you can simulate realities indistinguishable from the real thing in any aspects imaginable. So setting aside post-singularity technology that our mind can't even begin to comprehend, say if we are given a galaxy sized computer (by an alien race, perhaps?) with the current processing power multiply to galaxy scale, what can we do with all of that?
  16. Hey all! I´m sure there is one or more threads to this but I didnt find that questions yet. So sorry for eventual double posting... Computer: AMD A10@4x1,9Ghz, 8GB Ram, AMD Radeon R7, No SSD Mods: Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Dynamic Texture Loader, Plantery bases, Habitatpack,Tweakable everything, docking cam, Gravity turn, KIS/KAS I get fps drops quite fast. So usually from 100 parts on it becomes really laggy. Its still playable but kind of annoying. As I understood its because of the physics of parts that are just calculated on one core, even if you have multiple cores. The thing I dont understand is that sometimes its less laggy with, lets say, 96 parts than it is with a vessel of 60 parts. Both in LKO. Why is that? Is there anyway to improve the performance? Or will it be 1.1 to the rescue? As well, I get the impression, that when playing more than 1 hour or so, the performance is decreasing over time. I also found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/57269-performance-fix-ksp-tweak-guide/ Is that still up to date? Would be kamazing if you could help! David
  17. Would a higher floating point benchmark, or a higher integer benchmark score be better for the Physics calculations in KSP?
  18. This will be a entire forum set for the specs of your computer, I guess I will start out with a common table of how the post "layout" will go. Brand (company that made it) Type of CPU (Say if multi-cored or/and overclocked and to what extent) Type of GPU (list the ammount of VRAM) Amount of hard drives (list the total memory) Ammount of RAM (list how many RAM "sticks" you have and at what amount [Gigabytes]) What kind of cooling system you have. How old it is other accessories you have (specialty keyboard/mouse) Cost (You do not have to disclose this if you do not want to) For myself it would be Alienware/dell 8 core overclocked to 4.6 GHz AMD Radeon 8950 Series (3gb) 32 gb of RAM at 4x8gb Water cooled with a radiator along with hard drive fans and GPU fan Less than one year (4 months) [old one broke will have the same system for 1 year in feburary] I have a lighted keyboard and mouse The cost for all of it was $4,500.00 So have fun comparing it with "MLG" computer(s) and your average everyday computer.
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