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Everything posted by ashtorak

  1. New pictures look good! Hope the QD arm soon will be actually soon
  2. ok, would be nice if we could talk directly about this, but I can't send direct messages yet. You can contact me anywhere, if you want. Else, I will send you a message here, when I have my 5 posts together^^ Ah and in the curve settings there is no range check. I guess not every curve has to make sense then or sometimes it looked better when it was out of the given boundaries. I think the out of range cases were mostly for atmospheric modifiers. Maybe they need a larger range here and there? But I haven't used them at all as I am operating only at sea level / ignoring atmosphere.
  3. Hi, I am new to the forum and also somewhat new to KSP, even though I have seen some videos and streams. I wanted to contact Nertea, but didn't find another way then to register here. Unfortunately I cannot send DMs yet. I guess, I can make it public as well then. I started working on a standalone sim focused on Starbase in Unity and found your framework quite useful for a nice Raptor flame. Great mod btw! I just wanted to make sure and ask if it's ok to use this stuff outside KSP for a free to download (pay what you like) game? I am not sure how it works with these non-commercial licenses and if this even is an issue outside of KSP. Also, I don't know, if it's ok to post links here when you are a new member. If you are interested, you should find my stuff easily with a search machine. In the end I really used only a few shaders, the cylinder and a template by Zorg, and then programmed the modifiers as needed in Unity myself. I am also considering doing a write up sometime so other people can see how one sets this up in Unity. If somebody is interested. I noticed that sometimes values in the templates are out of the shaders property ranges. I haven't looked much into the UI, but I assume this is because you can save arbitrary values to the config files. This is somewhat confusing when recreating an effect. There might be modifiers with a curve which don't do anything for the whole range. So you start wondering what was the intention there^^ Anyway, thanks for your work!
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