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Everything posted by Weegee_Spaghetti

  1. I fixed it by just deleting the gear and putting them on the craft again.
  2. For some reason my plane gear clips into the runway and then glitches around, making it impossible ot launch any planes. I tried like 5 different runways around the world and every single one had that problem. Is there a fix?
  3. What's their name? Cuz i looked through the search bar in sandbox aswell as the tech tree and nothing comes up when i search for the mpl or "lab", "science" or any similar phrases. Edit: i maybe fixed it. I have 2 gamedata folders. But now i am stuck with the "loading part upgrades" thing in the menu. Anyone know a fix maybe? It worked before i downloaded this mod. Edit 2: Fixed it. I had duplicate dll. files. Downloaded ane xtra mod that fixes it.
  4. Is it on purpose that installing this mod removes the mobile processing lab? its gone and my space station went with it. Even after removing the files (i installed the mod manually) i cannot find the part anymore. I also cant find an equivalent part from this mod to replace it.
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