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Everything posted by SaltWT

  1. Hello I was wondering if anyone knew why Zhandar crashes my game whenever I make a maneuver node that gets an encounter with it. It's not guaranteed it's just whenever I alter the node a bit it crashes and it also crashes after getting a regular old encounter as well. The crash is instant as well closing the game without warning and does not happen with any other body. On another note I'm having fun and am about to construct an interplanetary colony further out around Pyri to stage missions from which is why it's hard to deal with these constant crashes. Edit: I figured out that switching to legacy orbit targeting in settings.cfg in the ksp directory fixes the problem
  2. I've spent all day trying to find a 1.12.3 planet pack to no avail. If anyone has good suggestions I'd love to hear
  3. So uhh every atmosphere in 1.12.3 is blue and I don't know if it's scatterer or something else
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