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  1. 目前最新的一次更新会发生此问题,请打开最新的craft文件或者重新拼一遍火箭。 This issue occurs with the latest update. Please open the latest craft file or rebuild the rocket from scratch. 对了,这里发非英文帖记得贴上英文翻译 Also, if you post in a non-English language, please remember to include an English translation.
  2. We never meet the explosion problem before, can you provide the image of the separation order, it might be the order problem. Or you can open the .craft file to check if the order is correct.
  3. Good to hear that. Also, if you can not use the parachute, you have to install “real chute” mod
  4. First, the separator of cz7 does not exist in this mod yet, we will soon update our new model of cz7, and the separator will be updated. You can use the separator of the game. Second, You can switch between different themes of Zhurong’s cantilever. Third, we will update Chang’e in the future, please stay informed with us!
  5. Yes, we have noticed this problem, I think we will fix and update it soon!
  6. We have noticed this problem and will fix it in a later version. Thank you for your feedback!
  7. Thank you for your reminding. We will fix this problem as soon as possible
  8. Thank you for your feedback! And we will fix it up.
  9. 问天和梦天的mod将在十月底发布。还有,提醒你一下,在这里发中文后记得加上英文翻译。 The mods for Wentian and Mengtian will be released at the end of October. Also, please remember to add English translation after sending Chinese here.
  10. There is a high-quality mod called KCAP, it has Long March 5 不久的将来 soon
  11. I think you need to remove the "RealScalePatch" file in the “NCAP\Compatibility\RealFuels” path to fit the escape tower and fairings. Also, I am afraid you have to rotate the robotic arm on the Tianhe module for 180 degrees.
  12. If it is too big for you, please delete the "RealScalePatch" file in the NCAP\Compatibility\RealFuels path
  13. 这看起来很棒! It looks awesome!
  14. 虽然我们考虑过只做一个太阳能板,但是总有一些人是强迫症嘛。所以我们选择保留了两个
  15. 最新版本已经更新,添加了天和太阳能板,快去下载吧
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