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not giving a name

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Posts posted by not giving a name

  1. Throughout the forums, everyone shows the big, bulky, expensive and sophisticated craft with incredible range, efficiency, speed or size. but  kerbin needs a domestic cargo service too, something mass-producible, able to reach remote landing sites and transport the cargo distributed across kerbin. YOUR GOAL: A Reliable, Unique, Long Range and Durable Craft to carry mid size cargo (multiple 2.5 service bays worth) Anywhere On Kerbin (or Laythe ).  dlc and part mods not allowed (for fairness). kraken drives are ok.

    my attempt - bluebird 2 seaplane [min speed - 40m/s, cruising speed200m/s, sea or land landings] bluebird 2 file

  2. this is not a debug question, more of a query of which mod I should use. what Would be a optimal graphics mod for a computer specs below, I can accept some slow frame rated, but the default waterfall + scatter + avp  running at 2fps near water is too much lag even for me.  I just want to spruce up the games graphics while having a acceptable (10-60)fps

    RAM 8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)

    CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz   2.40 GHz


    2 hours ago, Jetpackmaniac said:

    In Stratzenblitz75’s spin launcher video he used a mod that allowed him to use stock liquid fuel engines as RCS thrusters. Might have to get a bit creative to get roll control but it could work. Unfortunately I can’t remember the name of the mod right off and I don’t have time to go back and watch the video. 

    the mode used in the video is throttle control avionics

  4. This is a repost of my question in add-on discussion

    They are MASSIVE white rings around jool and some moons. This is my 1st  experience with anything modded, so I used can to install avp, and It works well, other than the massive rings withing the map and game around jool and its inner moons. there were no install errors nor crashing



  5. I have been playing stock only for about a year, and I wanted to see what the game is like with visual mods, so I have a small list (see screenshot) and I was happy, until I saw Laythe and jool with huge white bands around them, I don't think its EVE, but it definingly wrong



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