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  1. Thank you, I've found that EngineLight Relit which I installed manually had mising dependencies, so I guess it was my fault.
  2. Sorry, here's a longer one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d5XwQBHCVIxmTv5IUj9m-2jgiKadQuCo/view?usp=sharing I didn't have any vessel where I could do a burn to deorbit, so I did a quick launch from Kerbin. I have tried reinstalling the mod using CKAN.
  3. Hello, I've encoutered a problem with the Trajectories mod I've seen here before. The mod is installed, but I can't see the trajectory visualisations. I've installed it using CKAN an I can see it in the tab and can open it's menu. I've tried toggling the trajecotry display options, but to no effect. Only thing that is displayed is the green target cross when selecting KSC. I'm playing Science mode, but that shouldn't matter, am I right? Here's the Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FOrHCw3exaQzaDGE_I2yTrmJK6ITCGmU/view?usp=sharing
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