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Nerbal The Second

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Everything posted by Nerbal The Second

  1. I found evidence that proves the Minmus flats are salt flats. when you do an analysis of the green sandstone. Here is a link to the image https://1drv.ms/u/s!AichGTQO8KnRgT1Q4IsnlvwCcYLX?e=kBdK53 This shows that the flats are mostly likely the dry ocean floor of Minmus.
  2. I believe I do turn to fast I'll try a safer accent next time thanks for the help.
  3. There isn't any Olivine on the flats but there is green sandstone, green sandstone forms when Anoxic marine zones have a lot of organic waste, this tells us that the flats where probably underwater at some points, but we also can find green sandstone on the hills of Minmus. Olivine in RL is found in Earth's upper mantel, this supports the idea of Minmus having an active inside which could've created a magnetic field which could've allowed Minmus to have an atmosphere the green sandstone also shows us that Minmus had life possibly. Ksp 2's Idea of it being cooled rock could also be right the Green sandstone and the Olivine could've been from Kerbin and the flats could be Marina's.
  4. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AichGTQO8KnRgTu9LiO27hva1ljK?e=JM1Aht this might show you the picture or it wont idk
  5. I tried to put a link to the image, and it wouldn't go through. How do you add images?
  6. I'm sorry Gargamel, I'm new to this forum stuff I will make sure to put it in discussions next time.
  7. So, if you have the breaking ground DLC there are big rocks called Olivine formation, when you use the scanner, it says this. "An Olive Formation jutting out from a salty flat on a low gravity moon with no atmosphere? more impossible evidence that Minmus may have once had an ocean." The flats of Minmus also look like a frozen ocean, so I believe that Minmus once had a atmosphere and a ocean.
  8. I don't really use small rockets, so I don't have any pictures of them but the size I have Issues with are the F1-T and the F1-TX and the Oscar. if you need pictures I can see if I can find some.
  9. I've played KSP for about a year now and have always had problems with small rockets even with the vector engine's gimble it seems to flip around the 20Km mark, I've added wings and tried everything to keep it from flipping but nothing seems to work. If anyone has tips to keep them from flipping that would be really helpful.
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