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  1. Thanks for the heads up. It was my intention for that contract to not be available on Kerbin. If I ever get around to updating the mod it will be fixed.
  2. It works on my machine. Honestly no idea why it wouldn't.
  3. I uploaded the patched dll here. Just replace the dll in GameData\ContractConfigurator with this one.
  4. I made a pull request that fixes the issue on the mods github. Only problem is siimav and NathanKell both seem to be inactive.
  5. Features 11 New contracts to send tourists across the Kerbol system Meaningful deadlines calculated from transfer windows Rewards based on deltaV required(approximately) for mission Disables default tourist missions, but can be used alongside Tourism Plus Issues Not tested with any planet packs, but should in theory work Almost certainly won't work with any interstellar travel mods Requirements Contract Configurator (mainly tested with 1.30.5, but should work with the newer version) WaypointManager is recommended Download CKAN Github Licence CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
  6. I created a KSP instance with most mods removed and kept things fairly simple. As you can see in the image below the decoupler on the left(where the ships where connected) does not work. Anyway heres the log https://pastebin.com/6PuTC4K4
  7. Normally in the editor. Tried placing in EVA and had the same problem.
  8. I'm using KAS to refuel (using rts-1 and js-1 parts) and encountered a bug where the part the joint socket is attached too is no longer attached to its parent part. The ship appears to be in 1 piece, but functionally isn't. This sometimes(depending on the layout of the ship) results in fuel not being transferred or the part not decoupling. I'm able to reverse it by editing the save file and changing the below line from -1 to the correct part number.
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