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  1. Cant get the Usi life suport to work. Tried with a 'fresh instal'- just Squad, UmbraSpaceIndustries and USI-LS. But the info for habitation is not available, the Tundra Kerbitat has no active functions, and the crew were not consuming any Supplies even when I fast forwarded time. Anything I'm missing here? Also the Habitation Ring can only be inflated/deflated in the VAB, not outside, but that was a bug in my last year's game as well (life support did work back then).
  2. Just added MKS to a fresh instal, Just MKS from Github and Squad in GameData. KSP v1.12.3. But while the parts show up, they do not have any manufacturing capability, say the Tundra Assembly Plant. The infatable parts do not work either. What am I missing here? Never mind, I guess it jsut doesnt work work with the latest KSP. Unless an update for the mod is comming soon, I will have to revert to KSP 1.11
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