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  1. So I recently had a problem with ksp enhanced edition on The Xbox series x. A while back like a week ago, I had lost one of my worlds due to a corrupted lost deleted world file and I had spoke to ksp support and they were unable to help me but they told me that I could put ksp enhanced edition on to a hard drive and plug it into a computer and to look at the persistent.sfs files to possibly recover this world. I would really like if someone told me what to do because I'm not a expert on computers because I specifically bought a laptop so I could recover the lost world file and that would be amazing because I have put with out a doubt 3000+ hours playing in that world save and I would like to recover it so I'f anyone could tell me the steps on how to find and how to access the hardrive and how to get to persistent.sfs files for ksp and how to recover my lost corrupted deleted save file that would be the best day of my life.
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