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Everything posted by Diego1996

  1. I’ve been playing KSP on PS5 and love everything about the game, I wanna build a mothership/space station, I have docked a number of times and never came across any issues, until I tried to build something huge in space. I sent a big rocket to orbit with 7 docking ports, 4 of which are for me to dock boosters on it. After I docked the ship/ booster to the rocket I didn’t understand why I couldn’t rotate it into place in the same way I saw people online. Is there a solution to this or is that feature only for PC cause of mods. If so will it ever come to KSP on PS5?
  2. I recently bought KSP Enhanced Edition for the PS5 and love it but when im playing on science mode (the only save file I have on the game at the moment) and im building the rocket or what have you, and then go to launch it doesn’t let me, because it’s telling me that it’s over 30 parts and it’s too heavy. This should even happen since im in science mode. The only real way I found to fix the bug is to save, quit to main menu and then close the game. Which sucks having to do that 2 to 3 times before even launching my creation. Not a huge deal, but annoying… Love the game. Im i the only one with this bug?
  3. I’m new to the KSP franchise playing it on PS5 and I’m obsessed with it, I don’t even own any DLC for it. A few days in of playing the game I tried to rendezvous and dock with another ship for the first time, without training or a tutorial. I went back to the training mission to learn how to dock and finally it clicked after 3 tries. I don’t know if this page is official but I really think that an Advanced Docking Mission (in training maybe) in the same way as the docking scene in the movie Interstellar where your mothership is a constant spin and you have to match its spin, dock and then stabilize the ship. Pls share if u would play that mission.
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