I don’t think the BDAc 1.12.3 update is fully finished, I think it’s still in the beta testing phases. 1.9.1 works perfectly until the beta is fully finished.
BDAc is being updated 1 final time to my knowledge, it being updated to be compatible with 1.12.3.
BDAc 1.9.1 has a decent selection of missiles and bombs to choose from. But you will need other add on packs to have a fully array of missiles too choose from.
BDA Runway Project is constantly being updated and works for 1.12.3. It has a bunch of different game modes to choose. They only downside with BDA Runway project. The AI can only use missiles from BDA Runway project, it can’t use missiles from any of the add on packs, because they have not been integrated for compatibility yet.
BDAc 1.9.1 is fully functional with no issues (No being updated again, just being made compatible for 1.12.3)
BDA Runway project is updated every couple weeks.
**BDA weapon Add-ons for 1.9.1**
Kerbal Field - https://spacedock.info/mod/1646/KerbalField
Malfunc Weaponary - https://spacedock.info/mod/203/MalFunc Weaponry
North Kerbin Dynamics Renewed - https://spacedock.info/mod/2483/North Kerbin Dynamic Renewed
TBone’s XAGM - https://spacedock.info/mod/389/Tbone's XAGM
Modern Naval Weapon Systems - https://spacedock.info/mod/1926/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - WEAPON pack
MNWS has some issues with causing all parts to be indestructible, But has insane firepower. It adds 100+ weapons