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  1. Hello guys thanks for the help. But I am using KSP 1.12.3 and I don't think it is compatible with the mod(SCANsat). SO if there is another solution please inform me. Thanks!
  2. Hello, I am having some trouble with my Trajectories mod. I am having trouble in finding the latitude and longitude of a place. I used kerb net's 'target' coordinates for the following. I know how to set the KSC as target because there is a dedicated button for that, But if I want to land/touchdown/splashdown at a particular place then how do I get the right coordinates and how to enter them in Trajectories mod menu. I was in a polar orbit around 'Kerbin' and wanted to land or touchdown on one of the poles to collect science. I am playing in KSP version 1.12.3(career world) Thank you Best regards LOFscooober
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