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Everything posted by stevoe26

  1. yes they would print that they print in a type of sandstone so the "sprue" between the ships may be hard to break off but other than that happy days that and its a little pricy, $99 for small $140 for medium and $200 for large, i got a small and you can see from my picture its still a really nice size tho the more ships you print together the smaller and less detailed each will be as a result erm.. just for the record im not indorsed by these guys at all, they just provide an awesome service and i think they deserve the free advertising XD
  2. https://eucl3d.com/ksp they will print and colour ship files you send them so far they only use stock and the tweakscale mod and only officially ship to the u.s that said if you p.m them they are happy to ship elswhere, its just pricey they handle all the scaling etc, you just send them a .craft file and they print and deliver
  3. so i took advantage of the new 3d printing service provided by eucl3d really happy with the results (i got the "small" size, still pretty big if u ask me) that and £30 extra to ship to the uk
  4. thanks personalty i find infinigliders kinda boring, good for 5 mins of fun but not much else
  5. not to go off topic but how did you get the extra hangars and trees etc on the space center??
  6. does anyone know how to get mods to work in career mode, my mods are all running and fine in sandbox but don't seem to have any effect on career?? and personally i couldn't give less of a dam about career, i like making up my own rules and role playing how i see fit. give me a set campaign and i get bored that said i really like the flavor text and science. i don't think science should be used as an excuse to add a game mechanic, its science im looking for, data, knowledge, finding things out, not an annoying tech tree i know im biased against career mode but i just want the all the updates minus career, i love the science, hate the way it makes you play a limited, unmodifiable version of the game to get it
  7. does anyone know if there's a way to edit cfg files or something to just enable flavor text in sandbox? i have looked through the settings etc but i haven't found as such
  8. is it so bad to want to continue playing the way im comfortable with, with the mods i like, the parts i like and still get the awesome flavor text for the science modules. im going to send them everywhere i can anyway. why greatly reduce the parts available and then make me grind for even those!!! pretty sure the consensus here is WE WANT FLAVOR TEXT IN SANDBOX!!!
  9. i heard about the anniversary just in time to coincide with when i planned to launch my mun communications base (im running remotech) so i renamed it tribute and landed it next to the memorial not the best tribute i could have done but the timing was there so why not
  10. i would love more than anything to be able to build a modular base wherever i want and have the ability to build and launch spacecraft and aircraft from it
  11. sorry to resort to this anyone have a link to the latest version of the kethane mod, i cant seem to find it thanks in advance
  12. i called mine Dyson cube systems think about it, the entire kerbal universe is inside a giant dyson... cube... o.O
  13. I don't see how the lack of gravity can hinder building something, if anything i would think it would be easier, you no longer have to lift massive parts, structural integrity can be much lower in microgravity, so it would cost less resource wise. not including the spare parts launches to the orbital constructor. taking weight away from building massive vehicles can only make it easier. or am i overlooking something?
  14. iv never liked asparagus staging, never used it really, cant think of an uglier design for a rocket XD i loves my aesthetics you see
  15. i made a bomber inspired by the longsword from the halo series
  16. i was playing halo and thought i would try my hand at making a longsword fighter iv armed it with 3 of the big missiles that come with lazor weapons, they have a blast radius of 2km!!! enemy detected on the VAB FIRE THE MISSILES!!! BOOM!!
  17. i had to use one of these atleast once fair play to the artist i love the postcards from layth series
  18. last kerbal i lost was an aerobrake mess up over eve, poor guy didnt even have a parachute on his pod for every kerbal i kill i send an unmanned pod out of the solar system as a sort of space burial time consuming yes but i think if im killing so many then i owe them atleast that
  19. thats one of my all time favorite anime a simply brilliant show and i love the realism in it as well
  20. from my expiriance with minmus you need to land at lower than 1m/s to not bounce, the gravity is so low that even going 3 or 4 m/s you will bounce around like mad, also landing on the large flat areas is alot easier than on an incline good luck
  21. THANK YOU O.o this sorted all my lagg, i can fly again lol now TO EVE WITH ME!!
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