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Everything posted by Euyurp

  1. here is the story, called Proxima Jeb: Jebadiah Kerman was sitting in the Kerbal Space Center on Kerbin, thinking of something to do. He finally came up with and idea, fly to Proxima Centauri! He packed a super kraken drive spaceplane with repair kits, and wore a jetpack with a proto canon. The launch crew pulled his plane to the runway, and he turned on the kraken drive. He hurtled forward and made it to orbit in 20 seconds, a world record! He extended his orbit so that he transferred to KerBal’s sphere of influence, before extending it even more to enter Proxima Centauri’s sphere of influence. He burned retrograde to try and slow down. However, he crashed straight into Proxima Centauri A. Luckily, his ship crash landed tail first, so he wasn’t hurt. He was stuck on Proxima Centauri A! He got out of the cockpit and planted a flag, then started to walk around searching for resourses to build a radio transmitter. After a few hours, he found some copper and iron. He started to use some salvaged bits of the ship, and the copper to make a switch and radio transmitter for morse code. He used the ship’s antenna and powered it up. Nothing happened at first, but then it exploded, he had connected the solar array backwards. Jeb was devastated. Now he had no antenna, no transmitter, and he was running low on space snax, the food he had brought. Suddenly he heard a rocket engine, “Could it be another kerbal?” he thought. The rocket flew by and he realized that it was a space pirate. He armed his proto cannon and got ready to dodge, but no bullet came. Instead the space pirate just circled the planet, had they not detected him? Jeb was not sure what to do, if he stayed still, he would be safe, but he needed the radio transmitter from that ship. Eventually he decided to blast the pirate ship’s engine the next time it came around. But before it came into view, he heard landing engines from behind him. He was seen! Jeb turned around expecting to see robots or turrets, but instead he saw a kerbal. This kerbal was like no other kerbal Jeb had ever seen. He was tall, and had a very large, funny looking head. Jeb stepped back, expecting to see a blaster, but instead the kerbal slowly walked toward him. Jeb took another step back and asked,”Who are you?” The kerbal replied in a robotic voice,”Are you Jebadiah Kerman?” Jeb said,”Yes…” Suddenly the space pirate pulled out a blaster and jumped to the side. Jeb leaped into the air and started shooting at the pirate, but in a flash, it was gone. He heard more engines, but this time it was Bob Kerman, Jeb’s best friend! Bob jumped out of his rocket and said in his funny voice, ”Hey Jeb!” Jebadiah was speechless, “How did you… what… no way!!! BOBBBBBBBBB!!!!!!” Jeb was so happy that he jet packed around the planet in 12 seconds (another world record)! Bob explained that he had detected the explosion coming from Alpha Centauri A, and that he had blasted the space pirate. Jeb told his story about the strange space pirate. They collected some samples and loaded them into Bob’s rocket. Together, they flew home and turned in the samples before going to bed. The next day they woke up to see the results of the sample scan, and saw that there was evidence of non-kerbal life forms in the soil. A creature with computers had been there before.
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