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  1. @kspnerd122 yes its true, but people can often have compatibility issues with all that possible dipendencies and version related issues, mostly if you arest such an expert, but it is normal, adding a non stock component can cause issues, thats why a mod is always fixed and upgraded, i understood Bye!
  2. HEIIIIIIIII TANKS FOR THIS MODDDDDDD I HOPE I WILL NOT HAVE CRASH AND NO TEXURE PROBLEMS LIKE SSS IN 1.2.2. Also i wrote 2 support requestes, the first i made is a problem that makes my ksp crash when i start it with the shuttle sss mod. pls go to see it i pu the logs there so u can understand something
  3. This is an interesting question, beacuse if you want a shuttle in ksp you can build it with stock parts, But if you want it realistic you will have to install mods such as SSS (SpaceShuttleSystem) wich is for old ksp version (like 1.7.x or even 1.2.2) or you have to install RO, wich is actually not reccomended for low end pcs and doen't include the shuttle parts before the 1.8.1 ksp version. I know that the 1.12 is a final update, but adding REAL SHUTTLE PARTS TO THE STOCK GAME would be interesting, am I right? Anyways let me know what are your toughts. Dont forget to GO AT THROTTLE UP!
  4. Hi Kerbonauts, challenger here, having some problems! I play KSP 1.2.2 Because IT SUPPORTS A VERY CUTE MOD, THE SPACE SHUTTLE SYSTEM MOD. The problem is that 2 parts (the shuttle cargo bay and the shuttle crew cabin) are completelly black with no texture when loaded. I have the same problem with the 1.7.x version of the mod I just have the SpaceShuttleSystem mod and its dependencies wich, according to the original spacedock link of the mod (https://spacedock.info/mod/1178/Space Shuttle System?noedit=True) , are: SSTU; KSPWheel; JSI; CommunityResourcePack; ASET This are the names of the mods folders, I DONT HAVE ANY OTHER MODS EXCEPT FOR THE SQUAD STOCK FOLDER. Hope you can help, thank you and go at throttle up!
  5. I have this error when i start the game, MY MODS ARE: "JSI", "KSPWheel"," SpaceShuttleSystem" and the stock folder "Squad". Yep, this is KSP 1.2.2 So no SquadExpansion CRASH FILES: Crash.dmp https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nGTr9rJ-mIsdC7kaMZb5gcbLIIJzg1sc/view?usp=sharing output_log.txt https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R8C7LC-ZuqOdvkJaXvep2y1En3J69JaN/view?usp=sharing error.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qPa5kzQZ27_AZZo3QaNkR7t8kEZlOepK/view?usp=sharing
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