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Everything posted by sdlafferty

  1. Just the spring, or the damper too? I'm also finding on landings, it'll land flat, and then the rocket will just flop to one side and fall over. I've tried spring and damper at full, and about halfway, same results.
  2. I'm having the same issue, both on the launch pad and after landing. Have you been able to solve this?
  3. Hi I am running the latest version of KSP. I have a lot of addons, but game launch only takes a few minutes usually. When I install Probes Plus through CKAN, the game never loads, even after waiting several hours. I have now noticed that the load screen consistently gets stuck (one time for over an hour) trying to load the following: Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Parts/Telescopes/explorer_solar/ca_explorer_solar Is there something I can do to fix this? What logs would be useful to find the cause?
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