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Everything posted by KSPBDA

  1. Hi guys, I'm sorry if this question has already been answered. I recently downloaded the BD Amory mod (off SpaceDock) and then dragged it with the module manager and physics extender from my quick access page on downloads (I think all were version 12.3 but I'll check that with my game version). It took a few attempts but after 3 tries, I saw all of the BDA modded items (targeting, weapons chaff etc) in both the space plane hanger and the vehicle assembly building. It was fun to fit aircraft with these but I then notice through both guard mode and direct control attack, none of the weapons did any actual damage - just the effect of the weapon hitting the surface or building - to the KSC buildings and player made structures. I tried again with my own non modded weapons and checked that the indestructible facilities option was off, and damage was sustained. Could anyone tell me if I need to change any in-game settings, or if I made a mistake in the download process or mod site? Or simply, how damage is sustained through BDA weapons. Also, could someone suggest how to set up missiles on guard mode or manual attacking through all of the types of missile? A video would be best. Thanks you.
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