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Everything posted by Osiris489

  1. Problem solved! The problem was that I combined an older BDArmory with a newer, and added files present in the older that weren't in the newer. The error was all me. Thank you very much for all your help. Very likely would never had figured it out without you.
  2. Define "Weird," if you could. And is there an immediate solution?
  3. @Lisias Perhaps this will work? https://www.dropbox.com/s/jpljcxf67pibsou/KSP.log?dl=0
  4. KSP.log Really hope this is what you were looking for. As much as I pride myself at being a good tech guy, sometimes these things stump me.
  5. Hello, I would like some assistance on an issue that I can't quite resolve. Essentially, it says "Unfortunately TweakScale didn't found needed DLLs." bla bla bla, corrupt game stuff "Missing Class: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown." It tells me to click "OK" and it will download tweakscale from a trusted distribution channel, and KSP will close. When ever I do click OK, KSP closes but nothing else happens. Do you have an Idea of how to fixt this?
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