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  1. Shocker, no mention of KSP2 at all. EDIT: in the Q4'24 earnings call referenced earlier in the thread
  2. It's a Bloomberg paywalled article but here is a quote except from it. That was from anonymously interviewing 5 of the devs who remained at StarTheory. In regards to prior to that I'm basing that on personally following the Planetary Annellation kick starter and the failed Human Resources kick starters and seeing who was involved in Uber Entertainment's development team. They were consistently around 30 developers (used in the more broad sense of engineers, designers, etc.) with not much turnover. (I was a fan of MNC and SuperMNC; and Jon Mavor having played thousands of hours of TA growing up at lan parties with friends. I really liked what they did prior to deciding to shaft PA kickstarter backers). If you want to go back an login to linked in via the wayback machine and look at their company profile and then view the insights about employees you'll see they were about that size prior to 2017. http://www.linkedin.com/company/1513137 That is the now defunct company profile for Uber Entertainment.
  3. I'd hardly say what we've "received" points to "business as usual". It points toward winding down involvement by ensuring their code is commented reasonably well, finishing up any technical design docs that hadn't been fully fleshed out in regards to their near-term planning, etc. Akin to "getting to a stopping point" when reading something so you don't have to do as much overlap when you pick up the book again later. That isn't what I'd call business as usual in development. I'd highly doubt we (well you guys, as I refunded the game at launch) get anything further from Intercept Games in regards to actual development. The only hope you have at even getting some level of patches to resolve some of the more egregious bugs in the current version, let alone actually getting a colonies update or any of the other features on the roadmap is if Take Two does in fact decide to task another team with fixing the mess that Intercept Games has left behind.
  4. In regards to that timeline; Nate's story regarding how he learned they'd be working on KSP2 and coupled with when his title changed at Uber Entertainment would point toward the beginning of development in Q4'17. Regarding the two referenced games and their credits listing roughly 18 developers and 1 engineer; Uber Entertainment still had multiple teams working different projects as they were in the process of spinning off Planetary Annihilation Inc. to continue their work on PA Titans and future support separately from Uber Entertainment. The head count at Uber Entertainment when they started KSP2 was reported to have been approximately 30 developers. The Uber Entertainment rebranding to StarTheory in 2019 was due to losing/settling with Uber the ride sharing service in regards to the Uber trademark. When StarTheory failed to deliver the game within the contracted timeframe they began negotiations to extend the contract. To which Take Two attempted to purchase the studio and the resultant events unfolded with the contract renewal being denied and Intercept Games being formed. They poached roughly half of the development staff (around 15 developers) including all of the teams leadership, Nate R., Nate S., and Jeremy A. whom immediately left and moved to the new studio. Roughly 2 months later after StarTheory failed to find new contract work in March 2020 the owners closed the studio and a large portion of the staff that remained at StarTheory initially then rejoined their former colleagues at Intercept Games after the studio closure with some portion of the rest of them moving on to other endeavors. So they were roughly around that 25 - 30 head count during the original contracted development at StarTheory and the beginning of Intercept Games; largely being the same individuals. This is further evidence by comments made by Paul F. (former engineering lead) when he was laid off last year around the time of the EA launch. He noted being proud of building a team up from about 25 engineers to 45 engineers. There is/was definitely a significant level of continuity in developers from before & after the studio change as you noted; and the core leadership team was those same individuals up until shortly after the EA announcement when Nate R. left and went to Epic Games.
  5. Not at all; and I highly doubt they mention anything in regards to plans for KSP2 specifically on the earnings call; other than the potential for more clarity on the closures and the reduction in costs related to it. KSP2 was already dropped from their quarterly reports last year where it was previously still noted as having an expected console launch... checks date... Oh, it was already supposed to have launched on console. In this call, they talk numbers not specific details of future plans; and any forward looking statements they do make are going to be focused on positive outlooks, such as expected revenues from GTA6.
  6. Speaking of Shapez.io; Shapez 2 is available now and is a pretty interesting evolution. Good god man; there are only 336 total hours in two weeks... You would have only slept 6 hours a night and spent every waking hour in game. I guess thats one hell of a way to spend a two week vacation
  7. I'd second @PDCWolf, if you like factory / building / management type games then its worth every penny.
  8. I think it is obvious that the game was supposed to launch as a feature complete game in 2020. It started development at some point at the end of 2017/beginning of 2018. I think more than 4 years of additional time, nearly 3 times longer than the original projection, is certainly "giving them a chance to finish it".
  9. I think @MechBFP was just pointing out that Intercept Games and Roll7 were wholly owned subsidiary studios of Private Division, which is as stated in the quote you've posted. Some other studios, such as Obsidian, they don't own and are solely the publisher of one or more projects that were done by those studios.
  10. Pretty much the point I was making in response to Sure it was an improvement and there was some actual content finally after a year of development; but it is far from what I would refer to as "extremely polished".
  11. Did you miss Nate posting proudly the massive spike in bug reports after the FS update? That seems counter to what you're saying.
  12. ^this. Implement the UI elements as vectors so they are scalable and independent of render resolution, and make the UI element zones configurable so users can scale and arrange the different UI elements to suite their own preferences. I get this is not always feasible in some games where the UI is integral to game assets, but with the KSP UI there is little reason this couldn't have been implemented.
  13. Well, specifically regarding Roll7 the games they launched since moving publishers to PD weren't exactly run away financial successes. They were well received, at least initially, by their fans but that player base was fairly small and did not appear to be growing very quickly. However, they at least were delivering on the things they were developing. IG on the other hand has continually failed at meeting their own timeline projections.
  14. Steam's EA policy is specifically intended to NOT be "for those financially needing it" to complete development. It is specifically not intended to be a crowdfunding system. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/earlyaccess
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