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Thank you for your comment! Currently it can only indirectly hit a target. The flight-path is defined in an xml file and depending on it you get a different landing location. What I (intentionally, since I am too dumb for it) not did was the capability to land on a coordinate.
And done (only took 1.5 years...)! Full SN10 inspired flight. Code can be found here: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship
Intermission: Figured out I need rcs during the one engine hover before the flip and this is the first draft of it. Originally I thought that no rcs will suffice because the roll rate would be very low. Turns out it is not low The "rcs" are spider engines, individually and automatically throttled when a defined threshold is reached (to not run them on the slightest deviation). Real updates will continue shortly, I swear. Coding on this project is just so much fun.
Step 6, Control The Aerodynamic Descent Naively The goal in this step was to control starship with the flaps after flipping it horizontally. The first major question to answer now was which flap position leads to which attitude change. Pitch is straightforward. Retracting the bottom flaps to pitch up and retracting the top flaps to pitch down. Roll is straightforward too. Retracting the left flaps to roll to the left and vice versa. Yaw is tricky. The faps need to be retracted opposite of each other. The second major question to answer was how much to retract each flap. Example: Should the top flaps be retracted fully when going for a pitch down manoeuvre? Since when you retract them fully, you lose the ability to roll or yaw with them. In the end, though, I decided against full retraction to always have full control and because agressive maneuvers were not needed, which would warrant full retraction of the flaps. In code, this looks very simple. The yaw/roll/pitch pid-regulators are only allowed an output of 1/3 of the full retraction (current iteration: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/Starship/Flight/Segment/Actuation/Flap/FlapsActuationSegmentCommander.cs). Still, even with these questions answered, a stable descent could not be achieved due to several major problems, which became apparent: * I was unable to make quick adjustments to constants (for example the pid-regulator gains). I always had to rebuild the code and restart ksp * I was unable to counteract starships habit to spin after flipping. The reason for the spin was the remaining upward velocity during the flip and the missing forward velocity after the flip Both will be addressed in the next steps. Insights which might be applicable to the real thing: - Navively assigning each attitude pid-regulator 1/3 of the available flap retraction works surprisingly well and makes it possible to yaw/roll/pitch at the same time - Starship cannot have excess upward velocity when flipping, otherwise all hell breaks loose aerodynamically - Starship needs forward velocity after flipping horizontally, otherwise it goes into a flat-spin (this is probably a KSP thing)
Step 5, Control The Belly Flop Naively The goal in this step was to bring starship into belly flop position. To achieve this, I first build the infrastructure to control the flaps. For "finding" them in code, KSP provides a method which allows searching for all vessel-parts which implement so called modules. A flap implements a ModuleRoboticServoHinge, for example. Once found, I extracted the minimum and maximum angle of the hinges. With them it was possible to deploy the hinge to my linking, which is as a percentage (example: deploy flaps 50%). Deploying as a percentage allows changing of the minimum and maximum angle in the vab, without changes in the code. The absolute deployed angle might change, but 50% is always 50%: private static void ActuateFlap(ModuleRoboticServoHinge flap, float deployPercent) { var minimumAngle = flap.softMinMaxAngles.x; var maximumAngle = flap.softMinMaxAngles.y; var deployedAngle = (maximumAngle - minimumAngle) * deployPercent; flap.targetAngle = minimumAngle + deployedAngle; } The full code to find and control the flaps can be found here: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/Starship/Control/Actuation/Flap/FlapsActuationControl.cs It's used to retract the aft flaps when flipping and to deploy them in a centered position afterwards. In the next step this position will be the starting point to achieve a controlled descent by moving the flaps. Finally, I used the engines to gimbal violently for a second or so to rotate starship into belly flop position. RCS firings, like on the real thing, were not needed in KSP. In these cases I follow the strict rule to only build what I really need (and I have barely the skill to do what is needed :D). Insights which might be applicable to the real thing: - When the flaps are not fully deployed on ascent we get a very unstable flight. Especially in yaw, as far as I remember. Complicated aerodynamics, for sure - When the front flaps are not fully deployed when flipping we get a very unstable flip. Especially in roll, as far as I remember. Front flaps fully deployed, aft flaps fully retracted seems to be naturally stable - Rotating starship into belly flop position is very hard when the aft flaps are not retracted. They seem to "push" starship back into vertical - The gimbaling for the belly flop is deceptively simple. It is literally: Max pitch gimbal for a second. No fine grained gimbal regulation needed
Bonus angle
Optimized! Now for real, the updates will continue.
The updates will continue shortly, was bit busy the last weeks!
Step 4, Control The Ascent Proportionally The goal in this step was to have a stable ascent, meaning no change in yaw/roll/pitch. To achieve those I used the simplest regulator, since I did not know much about regulators and even less about their math: A proportional regulator. Today the regulator got to a point of being a full blown PID regulator (current iteration: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/Starship/Flight/Regulator/PidRegulator.cs), but this was the beginning. A proportional regulator does the following: If there is a very small deviation from the flight path - gimbal only a small amount, if there is a big deviation, gimbal a large amount. This is achieved by multiplying the current flight path error with a fixed constant. For example: Error = 10 degrees * fixed constant = 0.1 -> 1% gimbal. The constant was derived by trial and error. Going too less results in the error never vanishing and going too much makes the ship swing wildly, since the gimbaling overcorrects. Insights which might be applicable to the real thing: - The ascent of starship can be controlled by a very simple proportional controller, if you don't have large interfering forces, like engine outs or wind.
Step 3, Control The Ascent Naively Continuing the goal to control everything as fine grained as possible with gimbaling the engines. Sadly, I could not meet this goal here. There seems to be no way to gimbal each engine individually with code, you have to simulate player inputs and let ksp figure out how to gimbal in response. After figuring this out I used simulated player inputs to build a very naive control algorithm: Steer a fixed amount left when starship steers right and vice versa in all directions (with other words, not even proportional control, where you steer in relation to the deviation). Unsurprisingly the ship becomes unstable very fast. Here one of the most complicated problems started: How to figure out the attitude of starship (its current yaw/roll/pitch). I tried nearly every solution out there in other plugins, but neither gave me the values I want: signed and independent yaw/roll/pitch. At the end I settled with using the angular velocity ksp provides and from there calculating the current yaw/roll/pitch in degrees (current itetation: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/Starship/Sensor/Attitude/AttitudeSensor.cs). This seems to be good enough for the current flight path. Insights which might be applicable to the real thing: - Bonus: I tried to gimbal each engine individually by putting them on hinges...
Step 2, Control The Engines Throttle The goal for this project is to be as close to reality as possible. Meaning we have to control everything fine grained and can't rely on the convenience ksp provides for us. In this step it was the throttling of the engines. Each of the three engines need to be throttled individually. Already existing ksp plugins helped tremendously and showed me how to first find the engine in code via vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing<ModuleEngines>() and then to individually throttle them via engine.useEngineResponseTime = true (current iteration: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/Starship/Control/Throttle/Main/MainEnginesThrottleControl.cs). Difficult was to find the right code abstraction for the engine control, meaning I want the low level details of the control as far away as possible from my "business logic" of controlling starship. This helps to make the business logic clear and easily testable, since you don't have to meddle with low level details and potentially untestable classes from ksp. The result is shown in the video above. A single engine is throttled to the max. You have to be careful though, when you throttle more than the max it just explodes! Insights which might be applicable to the real thing: -
Step 1, Control The General Throttle Initial consideration: How to even start with this? Two things must be possible: Starship needs to be controlled via code and it must roughly adhere to physics. Building an own graphics and physics engine is out of the question. Luckily I heard of MechJeb and that ksp is pretty accurate physics-wise. Learning the very basics of plugin development via the wiki was next. Even though the wiki is good this was a lot of trial and error, not helped by plugin-development being done in C# (never programmed in C#). The main takeaway was how to integrate a plugin into ksp, which is to create a PartModule (current iteration: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/Starship/FlightComputer.cs) and to integrate it into a Part (current iteration: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship/blob/master/meta/Integration/navLight1.cfg) which then can be added to the vessel. With this knowledge I build (with lot's of trial and error!) the code to control the general throttle. Which is the same as when you throttle ingame. To no ones surprise this leads to a crash, since there is no gimbaling yet. Insights which might be applicable to the real thing: * Without gimbaling starship crashes shortly after liftof f [snip] * You have to lock the flaps in deployed position. Flaps back make the ship very instable, especially in pitch
Big thanks Vanamonde! I am just glad KSP exists, its an amazing game and even makes stuff like this possible! Will continue now with my first step in this project.
Hello all! Will make it quick: * Programmer by trade (but completely unrelated to spaceflight) * Absolutely fascinated by the tvc and flaps control of starship * But absolutely no idea how this could be achieved in code * But spaceflight noob * But ksp noob Took the last year to gradually learn how to control starship using my own plugin written in C#. The video above shows my current progress. Ascent, flop, descent, flip work roughly. Landing left. Full code can be found here: https://github.com/xgleich1/starship Would like to describe my yourney from the beginning and in detail once this post is approved and if you are interested. Could contain hints on how the real flight software potentially could look like. Example: How can you make sure that you can yaw/roll/pitch at the same time with the flaps? Finally and most importantly: Big thanks to ksp and the whole ksp community, without you I could have never done this. Special mentions: https://kerbalx.com/ -> For providing the means to find a starship vehicle for a complete builder noob https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ksp/api/index.html#details -> Documentation which helped a lot while coding https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Plugins -> For teaching the basics in making a plugin https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/182622-19x-aecs-motion-suppressor-air-brake-engine-control-surfaces/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/124417-180-1123-atmosphereautopilot-160/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/180725-112x-attitudeadjuster-v12-set-control-point-via-action-group-variable-pitch-control-point-for-spaceplane-reentry/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196642-18-19-110-davon-throttle-control-systems-mod-renewed/ https://github.com/RichTeaMan/JebNet https://spacedock.info/mod/2643/Kerbal Telemetry https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162324-18-112x-trajectories-v241-2021-06-27-atmospheric-predictions/ https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/90252-13-pilot-assistant-atmospheric-piloting-aids-1132-may-28/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139167-111-remotetech-v199-2020-12-19/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97154-19-110-throttle-controlled-avionics/ -> For being an awesome reference on how things could be done with a plugin