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  1. Found the solution. The file needed is Kopernicus-1.12.1-138
  2. I tried removing the old modules and same problem Kope KSP19PLUS KSP Making History 1.12.1 Breaking Ground 1.7.1 Also tried Kope KSP18 Thank you!
  3. Hope this work, otherwise this is the result in text PS D:\GOG Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData> dir Directory: D:\GOG Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 12/13/2021 9:43 PM EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements d----- 7/13/2022 12:06 PM Kopernicus d----- 12/13/2021 8:39 PM ModularFlightIntegrator d----- 7/13/2022 12:23 PM RealSolarSystem d----- 7/13/2022 12:23 PM RSS-Textures d----- 12/9/2021 10:35 AM Squad d----- 12/9/2021 10:47 AM SquadExpansion -a---- 5/5/2018 6:58 AM 104960 ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll -a---- 8/1/2021 3:52 PM 141824 ModuleManager.4.2.1.dll -a---- 6/18/2022 2:23 PM 141824 ModuleManager.4.2.2.dll -a---- 7/13/2022 12:45 PM 3427791 ModuleManager.ConfigCache -a---- 7/13/2022 12:45 PM 140647 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA -a---- 7/13/2022 12:45 PM 9181 ModuleManager.Physics -a---- 7/13/2022 12:45 PM 28994 ModuleManager.TechTree -a---- 8/10/2018 1:23 PM 695 ModuleManagerLicense.md
  4. Hi, Im trying to install V1.0 Real Solar System with Kopernicus and ModuleManager. Below is the screenshot of my GameData but when I start KSP and I go to the solar system I can see the names and textures are the original Thank you
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