Jeesus, your learning spanish in fifth? I'm in seventh and this is my first year. I'm just glad I am in seventh now, people can't pick on me for being a "little kid" There are still eighth graders, but who cares about them? Also that grant stuff is funny. My school had an assembly where my principals and vice principals talked about how we were nominated to be the best school in the USA, and talking about how if we win, we get a "grant", and we get to use the money for special stuff. What, do they think we're (I'm) five? I know what a grant is, and I decoded the whole thing as: "We're screwed, we're out of money, you kids behave well and we get the big bucks, we got a dealio? Good." And your 8 YEAR OLD SISTER!? She gets her own computer!? What kind of world do we live in! Yeah, I hate school, but I wouldn't call it prison. And if you're AT LEAST my age, you'll know how hard real jobs are (from teachers and parents complaining about it to you).