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Everything posted by swiftgates24

  1. The movie was awful. The ending was hilarious though, how they blew up and all...
  2. I just realized everything is connected by roads now!
  3. These. So true. The Badass right stuff! I play Civ so I know what that means
  4. But my point to him was not everyone lives in Europe. Players live in the Americas and Asia to. EDIT: Overview: They showed one new screenshot of the R&D building in-game and the chat made me want to punch kittens.
  5. You do realize the whole population of Earth isn't in Europe?
  6. This came a thread where a mod said not to use it, no idea why though.
  7. I'd rather have it in between the new and old time, because before I missed all of it myself, due to school. If they only have it a little later I'll still be able to watch it and so will the people in Europe.
  8. And I find it weird my laptop was $600 and it won't run it :/ But it still doesn't help the fact the community is awful.
  9. This is mostly why they stopped. I'm sure the DLC freakout had to do with part of it, but they dealt with that and everything settled down. But sadly, many people do not remember/know who he is
  10. While FAR is much better than current aerodynamics, it still isn't perfect.
  11. That isn't being weird, that is being stupid
  12. Yeah, and I'm not going to say anything to you adults. What's the point, you always stereotype...
  13. Ya darn young'ns, back in my day we had SQUAD streams all the time! You kids these days...
  14. Alright, I'm 13, but really? This had better be a really awful joke. My answer to you is:
  15. Jeesus, your learning spanish in fifth? I'm in seventh and this is my first year. I'm just glad I am in seventh now, people can't pick on me for being a "little kid" There are still eighth graders, but who cares about them? Also that grant stuff is funny. My school had an assembly where my principals and vice principals talked about how we were nominated to be the best school in the USA, and talking about how if we win, we get a "grant", and we get to use the money for special stuff. What, do they think we're (I'm) five? I know what a grant is, and I decoded the whole thing as: "We're screwed, we're out of money, you kids behave well and we get the big bucks, we got a dealio? Good." And your 8 YEAR OLD SISTER!? She gets her own computer!? What kind of world do we live in! Yeah, I hate school, but I wouldn't call it prison. And if you're AT LEAST my age, you'll know how hard real jobs are (from teachers and parents complaining about it to you).
  16. New planets will be past Jool. And Eeloo isn't Pluto, it is a moon of the second gas giant.
  17. Yay, 6:30 AM, I go to school soon :/ At least the first day there isn't much work...
  18. Phhh, only 70kp/s? I have 97kp/s :3
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