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Everything posted by DrBurst

  1. You need to make a deep space network with sats the create line of site to the far sides of planets by bouncing signals off each other. Also, work on a rescue craft to pick up landed crews and return them to KSC. Nice work, keep it up and you\'ll win a medal.
  2. However, I think this will be useful for any servicing missions to preexisting sat networks when docking is introduced. It might be useful too to preform station keeping on a sat that is out of station keeping fuel.
  3. That reminds me of the ejection system in NASCAR racers, nice job
  4. Once KSC modding is allowed I\'m going to make an air racetrack so people know the course better.
  5. Here is the names I came up with. These are all bassed around the latin name for war, bellum. kellum and kerrum.
  6. Hey guys, I\'m on the Columbia University AIAA DBF team. The AIAA BDF is the coolest thing I have done in my life. The challenges are interesting I learn tons about aerospace. Because I love the AIAA DBF so much, I have modified the rules from each year to work for KSP. Learn more about the AIAA DBF at http://www.aiaadbf.org/ -1997 Contest For the 1996/97 contest year aircraft will be designed to provide the maximum range for a given fuel weight. Range will be determined from the maximum number of complete laps made over the specified flight course (see below). Each aircraft must Complete a take-off before the runway ends Complete as many laps of the flight course as possible with the available fuel. Land on the runway. Partial laps do not count. To encourage people to accurately predict the available range of their entry, a one lap penalty will be added for aircraft which land on the runway but not within the 90 meter landing zone. Aircraft which land off of the resized runway will receive no score for that flight. You only get one jet fuel tank. You must carry 4 kg of dead mass. This mass can\'t do anything. Can\'t provide structure, can\'t provide crew, can\'t provide lift. No components may be dropped from the aircraft at any time during the flight. Stock Parts are only allowed -1998 Contest Aircraft will be judged on the maximum number of complete laps over the specified flight course completed within the 7 minute period. The course consists of: The craft must make an un-assisted takeoff, your plane must be higher then 20 meters before the end of the runway. No components may be dropped from the aircraft at any time during the flight. The craft will then complete one pace lap before timing begins. The pace lap ends at the beginning of the runway. After completing as many laps as passible in 7 mins the aircraft must land on the runway. Any run that fails to make the runway will not count. If the craft suffers any damage during a run it will be invalid. You must carry 4 kg of dead mass. This mass can\'t do anything. Can\'t provide structure, can\'t provide crew, can\'t provide lift. Stock parts only. I\'ll add the other years if you guys like these.
  7. Ok, after reading the advice it seems it is safe to upload KSP videos but monitoring is out of the question. Thanks, I\'m going to start making videos soon when once I finish balancing the audio.
  8. If they don\'t mind sure. It\'s a good idea, I\'ll have to think about it. Lots of man hours are needed to pull that off.
  9. hmmm, ok. I\'m going to try an do it to see if it is possible. Thanks for your input, it\'s a lot better already.
  10. I went over the license and it is unclear. This is the section most relevant: 4. COPYRIGHT All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by Electro Chango S.A. de C.V. or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Electro Chango S.A. de C.V.. My interpretation is that I need to ask permission. Is this thought correct? Do you think the devs will say yes to me posting KSP youtube videos? What about monetizing them?
  11. oooo, that sucks. :\'( What about these orbits: Tundra orbit Mun Orbit (Same Orbit of the Mun)
  12. Maybe the challenge could be to do it in the least number of launches? Maybe that would be more reasonable.
  13. Someone needs to make a real new paper article about this rescue and have it printed. This is amazing.
  14. This is crazy, this might not be possible. But I challenge the community to provide all the modern conveniences and infrastructure a space age society should have in only 1 launch. the least number of launches. You will need to bring up and deploy in their right place - 1 GPS Network, all 18 sats: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS#Space_segment - 8 Sats for 8 clients (listed Below) and put them in the correct orbit to achieve their goal. -Design and deploy a sat network to provide radio contact to the fair side of the moon. I should be able to 'connect the dots' between kerbin, each node in your deep space network and the far side of the moon. -(New) Design and deploy a sat network to provide constant radio contact to minimus -Return your crew alive The Broke Space Brokerage has provided me with this list of clients Clients -The Organization for High Quality Ice Water wants a sat to monitor the north pole\'s ice -Kerbin International University wants a Space Telescope in LEO -The Bagel News Networks wants a Sat in GEO over the Space Center to capture stunning pictures -The Society for Awesome Tans wants a Sat in a Heliocentric orbit to monitor the sun. -<Retracted> wants a Sat in Sun-synchronous orbit -2 Lovers wants a sat in a Molniya orbit -The Paranoia Group wants a sat in GEO over Kerbal Space Center 2. They told me that they wanted you to know 'They are up to no good' -Hardcore Mode Only: Kooble Maps wants to map kerbin. The camera system will not work at speeds over 500 m/s relative to the surface. You are free to design whatever will achieve this: plane, boat, manned or unmanned sat. They can only fund 4 missions. You are free to design the sats however you want, but they must include some form of station keeping and a SAS unit. Edit: Hardcore Mode: Failed Missions count, all living crews of failed missions must be rescued (landed next to or orbited near) This might be crazy, but if someone pulls this off they will be the king/queen of KSP. Leader Board:
  15. Just note, this made me buy the game because it was so awesome.
  16. How did you get the shot from the beginning? With the camera going down the runway? PS That video was amazing.
  17. This is the perfect crew recovery vehicle, just incase your crew makes it back from the mun, you give them another chance to 'blow up'. This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, but I have a challenge sir. Do the same thing, but with SRBs. All kidding aside, I think this might be an amazing ship if you put some wings on it on one engine for horizontal flight. This could be useful for exploring kerbin. Heck, this is light enough to take along to another O2 rich planet.
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