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  1. Hi, I've been having some difficulty getting KSP 1.12 to launch with scatterer on Ubuntu 22.04. I imagine this must be a known issue, but I'm not sure if there's a workaround. Essentially the game freezes upon main menu load (no UI elements appear though and kerbin is without scatterer effects in the background). Taking a look at the logs fails to glean any insight however. Is this an OGL related issue? The bottom of KSP.log: [LOG 09:48:12.541] ExpansionsLoader: Expansions loaded in 19.464s [LOG 09:48:12.541] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 36.79287s [LOG 09:48:15.109] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer' [LOG 09:48:15.109] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer' [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838 [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 535.86.05 on Linux 6.2 Ubuntu 22.04 64bit [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 1600x900 [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: False [LOG 09:48:15.109] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True [LOG 09:48:15.109] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer' [LOG 09:48:15.420] [Agent]: Found 19 agent mentality types [LOG 09:48:15.422] [AgentList]: 27 agents parsed and loaded. [LOG 09:48:15.482] [UIMasterController]: HideUI [LOG 09:48:15.568] [CelestialBody]: Kerbin's solar day length is 1d, 0h, 0m long. sidereal day length is 5h, 59m, 9s long [LOG 09:48:20.902] [UIMasterController]: HideUI [LOG 09:48:20.907] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU ===================== [LOG 09:48:21.309] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ContractDefs' from assembly 'KSP' [LOG 09:48:21.330] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarButton' from assembly 'Scatterer' [LOG 09:48:21.330] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Scatterer' from assembly 'Scatterer' [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Debug] Core instance created [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.0838 [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Info] Running on: OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 535.86.05 on Linux 6.2 Ubuntu 22.04 64bit [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Info] Game resolution: 1600x900 [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Info] Compute shader support: True [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Info] Async GPU readback support: False [LOG 09:48:21.330] [Scatterer][Info] Using depth buffer mode: True [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Kerbin. TransformName: Kerbin [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Kerbin, actual ingame name: Kerbin [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Duna. TransformName: Duna [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Duna, actual ingame name: Duna [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Laythe. TransformName: Laythe [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Laythe, actual ingame name: Laythe [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Jool. TransformName: Jool [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Jool, actual ingame name: Jool [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Finding ScattererCelestialBody name: Eve. TransformName: Eve [LOG 09:48:21.336] [Scatterer][Debug] Found ScattererCelestialBody: Eve, actual ingame name: Eve [LOG 09:48:21.550] [Scatterer][Debug] ShaderReplacer instance created [LOG 09:48:21.551] [Scatterer][Debug] Removed stock oceans [LOG 09:48:21.551] [Scatterer][Debug] Replacing EVE shaders [LOG 09:48:21.558] [Scatterer][Debug] Eve shaderloader type not found [LOG 09:48:21.559] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RenderTypeFixer' from assembly 'Scatterer' [LOG 09:48:21.577] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI [LOG 09:48:21.847] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class CommNetParams. [LOG 09:48:21.849] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class MissionParamsGeneral. [LOG 09:48:21.849] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class MissionParamsFacilities. [LOG 09:48:21.849] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class MissionParamsExtras. [LOG 09:48:21.849] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class AdvancedParams. [LOG 09:48:21.868] [ReflectionUtil]: Found 40 types with UpgradeModule attribute in 4 assemblies. [LOG 09:48:21.879] [ModuleManager] Total loading Time = 45.240s [LOG 09:48:21.906] [ScenarioTypes]: List Created 23 scenario types loaded from 4 loaded assemblies. [WRN 09:48:21.912] File '/home/awyeasting/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/../Missions/MissionScoreInfo.cfg' does not exist [LOG 09:48:21.914] [ApplicationLauncher] Awake False [LOG 09:48:21.915] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown [LOG 09:48:21.922] [UiApp] Awake: [LOG 09:48:21.923] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene MAINMENU ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop True
  2. Must be scatterer then as I'm not running TUFX. Interesting. Thanks for the feedback
  3. Have not seen this discussed, and I was inclined to believe it was just a problem with another mod I have not working, but after seeing Matt Lowne's recent video I'm convinced the problem is related to Parallax. It appears that specifically on or around Minmus waterfall plumes are not rendering properly. It also appears this problem occurs after an install of parallax. Is this a problem of waterfall not being properly configured yet or Parallax writing over the waterfall effects?
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