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Everything posted by SamTE

  1. I will give the slot machine a try. This would be cool
  2. Well. No good, cause you can not play youtube tutorials. I think I am out again. We shall see what KSP2 will bring us
  3. No way to cheat in a mission I am looking/hoping for?
  4. I am playing in carrier mode. Now I follow some tutorials and after the mun fly by mission I should get up in space again to rescue a kerbal dude. The problem is: I can not find the contract in my contracts overview. I understand wih ALT, Shift F12 I could cheat in stuff but all what I could do there is to finish contracts. I do not want this. How can I get the right contracts to my Mission Building? Maybe all contracts in my list? (While I can only do 2 contracts atm I would be fine also with a cheat here)
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