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Everything posted by Melluns

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. I had that narrowed down, any known compatibility issues with this and BDDB? BTW: If anyone else has this problem, the culprit was a suggested texture replacement mod that is suggested with JNSQ. So do not install that option if you want to use SOCK.
  2. I am having one hell of a problem with this mod, I have reinstalled my ENTIRE game about 3 times now, cleared all mods and just installed this on vanilla 1.12.3. And STILL this issue persists. All of the nameplates are blacked out, all decals are giant red or black squares, I have tried everything, installing custom ones, editing images and saving new ones, absolutely nothing works, and this is clearly happening on a vanilla game, only have this mod installed right now. Why are the decal files saved as DDS files when it says in your install guide they are PNG's? This is not another mod causing a problem, this is a problem in the mod, I can find absolutely nothing about it online. https://imgur.com/a/QeprPyD
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