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Everything posted by Spacedude9

  1. @OrbitalManeuvers I love your screeshots and I wanted to know what TUFX config you use?
  2. This is an old thread, but I'm having the same problem. Did you ever find a solution?
  3. This may just be my problem, but I hate having to leave KSP when I want to add another flag. I also like the idea of creating my own custom flags in KSP. As far as I know, there are no mods that fix either of these issues. I think it would be a great idea if someone made a mod that either adds a simple flag designer into KSP or makes it possible to add flags while the game is running. I have no clue if this would be possible and have no modding experience myself, so that's why I'm asking here.
  4. @Unieax I had a similar problem and configuring the parachute fixed it.
  5. You have probably been asked this before, but will there be compatibility with restock and if so, when will it be?
  6. Will it ever be possible to connect docking ports on the sides of modules and go through them?
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